sábado, janeiro 11, 2014

Now we're talking

Preto no branco a descrição da revolução que está a entranhar Mongo nos nossos dias, na nossa economia:
" a DIY Internet revolution that could upend chains everywhere" (Moi ici: Parece que a minha mensagem/visão está a generalizar-se...)
(Moi ici: Isto é delicioso, isto é belo, isto é poético)  a trend that has been getting a lot of attention lately. Some refer to it as the DIY - for do it yourself - movement. Venture capitalist Hemant Taneja, looking at it from a different angle, calls it "unscaling." Chesky uses the term "decentralized production." Marc Andreessen hit on the concept in a manifesto entitled "Why Software Is Eating the World."
It all points to the same idea: Information technology is eroding the power of large-scale mass production. We're instead moving toward a world of massive numbers of small producers offering unique stuff - and of consumers who reject mass-produced stuff. The Internet, software, 3D printing, social networks, cloud computing and other technologies are making this economically feasible - in fact, desirable.
 the underlying story of Airbnb, information and the major hotels will get replayed in lots of industries in the next few years. Mass production and sameness mean safety when information, intimacy and trust don't exist. As information, delivered globally and cheaply over the Internet, brings back intimacy and trust, the advantage of uniformity at scale slips away.
"These new economies of unscale will be good for job growth, because they open up thousands of new market niches for exploitation,(Moi ici: "thousands of new market niches for exploitation", ou seja, uma outra forma de dizer Mongo!!! Bingo!!!)
"To succeed, though, first we have to unlearn what we have been taught about business. We have to think in an unscaled mind-set, where the emphasis is on a greater number of specialized products sold to customers who know exactly what they need." (Moi ici: Por isto, é que me passo quando leio os figurões todos cá da terrinha e descubro que o anónimo engenheiro da província vê mais à frente)
“In the last 15 years, bits and bytes have been revolutionized,” he notes. “The next 15 years, I think you will see things, atoms, physical industry, services – things in the real world – starting to be changed. All that stuff will change.”"

Conseguem imaginar as consequências?
Na impostagem, no ensino, no marketing, na distribuição, no emprego, no ...

Trechos retirados de "The End of Mass-Production"

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