terça-feira, julho 05, 2011

Ainda a balanced centricity

"We have learned a lot about market and hierarchical (firm) governance but know relatively little about value networks and their governance. Part of the challenge is that unlike an organization which can be owned, no one owns the value network. (Moi ici: Mas alguns intervenientes podem ter uma influência poderosa... e numa rede pode haver mais do que um circuito de procura, cada um com intervenientes que podem ser comuns mas com pressupostos e pesos diferentes) Managers should be highly interested in these topics because governance is wrapped up in the issue of contracting which is central to all business relationships. (Moi ici: Até os agricultores podiam aprender com o estudo destas redes...) A research program could begin with questions such as: (a) Are manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers in a better position to be the value network architect? (b) What are the power sources that are most likely to be effective in value networks versus markets or hierarchies? (c) What role do norms play in the value network? (d) How are norms formed and modified? (e) When the value network is global and no single actor located in a particular geopolitical area is dominant who is responsible for ethical and/or legal violations? (Moi ici: Até que ponto é que faz sentido pensar em redes globais? Não serão uma anomalia pontual quando existem? Toda a boa relação precisa de proximidade) (f) If the customer is part of the value network then what is their responsibility? (g) What dictates who enters and leaves the value network and when? (h) In the traditional goods–dominant logic, the product manufacturer has always been the key node that dictated the composition of the value network (Moi ici: Isso foi no período Silúrico) , however, how does this change in a network and service–dominant world?"
(Moi ici: Um mundo novo por investigar, testar e aprender)
Trechos retirados de "Service, value networks and learning" de Robert F. Lusch & Stephen L. Vargo & Mohan Tanniru, publicado por J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2010) 38:19–31

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