terça-feira, junho 28, 2011

Valor: a palavra-chave

Por um lado, as empresas são constituídas por pessoas, pessoas diferentes, com histórias e experiências diferentes, daí que empresas no mesmo sector de actividade sigam percursos completamente diferentes.
Por outro lado, os clientes das empresas, quer sejam consumidores, quer sejam outras empresas, são pessoas... que cocktail!
O artigo "Business Strategy Perspectives and Economic Theory: A Proposed Integration" de Steven Paulson publicado pelo Academy of Strategic Management Journal em Janeiro de 2009, aborda um tema que me fascina: o que é valor para os decisores?
"individual's personal position relative to a good or service will determine the value of that good or service to the person in addition to the individual's position relative to the general market for the good or service.
rational choice theory is inadequate as a basis for describing and explaining reality
expected utility theory does not explain the manner in which framing can change the decision of the individual, nor does it explain why individuals exhibit risk-seeking behavior in some instances and risk-averse behavior in others
Prospect theory was formulated ... as an alternative method of explaining choices made by individuals under conditions of risk. It was designed, in essence, as a substitute for expected utility theory [because the] expected utility theory model did not fully describe the manner in which individuals make decisions in risky situations and that therefore, there were instances in which a decision-maker's choice could not be predicted. For example, they point out that expected utility theory does not explain the manner in which framing can change the decision of the individual, nor does it explain why individuals exhibit risk-seeking behavior in some instances and risk-averse behavior in others.
Prospect theorists, ... assume that people differentially evaluate gains and losses and not expected outcomes or goal states. They demonstrate, for example, that people value "probable" outcomes differently than they do "certain" outcomes; when outcomes are more probable people will exhibit more risky behavior than when outcomes are less risky. That is, the domain of the utility function for expected utility theory is final states rather than gains or losses per se! And prospect theory correctly locates the utility function in gain/loss assessment."
O valor é um tema... é o tema de eleição para mim.
As empresas têm de passar a concentrar-se cada vez mais neste tema: o que é valor?
Quem são os agentes na cadeia de procura de uma empresa? Quem manda nessa cadeia? Quem tem mais voz?
O que é valor para esse agente?
Como seduzir os outros agentes a "ajudarem" a empresa a conquistar o "dono" da cadeia de procura? Ou seja, o que é valor para os outros agentes?
E como os agentes são todos diferentes, que grupos mais ou menos homogéneos de agentes podemos identificar?

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