domingo, março 13, 2011

Algo não me soa bem

"Sonae recruta líderes empreendedores"
"Todos eles procuram uma oportunidade de emprego no universo Sonae. Mas só 20 serão escolhidos."
Quais são os critérios de pré-selecção?
E será que líderes verdadeiramente empreendedores procuram oportunidades de emprego? Não será antes: líderes verdadeiramente empreendedores criam os seus próprios empregos!!!
Talvez fizesse falta ao universo Sonae esta leitura "Yes, A Business CAN Disrupt Itself".
"“Good management” isn’t a solution

In the 13 years since then, we have learned that “good management” isn’t a cure: in fact, as Alan Murray has pointed out in the Wall Street Journal, it’s actually “good management” that accelerates death."
O que procuram?
A sério, o que procuram? Líderes empreendedores ou gestores?
Os textos que se seguem servem para mim, servem para os deolindeiros, servem para as PMEs:

E aí para vocês so-called "líderes empreendedores que procuram emprego": "newsflash #2: you can’t game your career development while following someone else’s rules.


You will lose, because in this game, the people who determine your success are the incumbents who get displaced when you win. This isn’t conspiracy theory stuff. It’s human nature."
"When we go along with prefabbed career paths, we lose—entirely—this test-your-mettle half of the development equation. Courage only gets tested in the face of doubt, but when everything is organized as it is with a career path, there is no doubt. Career paths may present tests and choices, but these are bounded, controlled. They are not the tests that can teach us to stick to our guns in the face of grave doubts—the guard rails of these programs prevent us from ever failing spectacularly.
Our leaders—those with power—cannot help us with these lessons of courage any more than my dad could help me that night of our fight. It’s not because they’re not rooting for us; they often are our biggest cheerleaders. It’s because they are the incumbents who we must displace.

Their role changes from protector to tester.

They become dangerous adversaries with advantages in both knowledge and experience. And once they switch roles, they cannot take it easy on us. Which is OK: we need to know where we stand when the only thing holding us up are our own two legs. Greatness is not a club that lets us in. We have to earn our way in, and those inviting us to apply are often the very same ones guarding the gates."
"But I do know this: humans are not meant to follow career paths. We are not built to follow guide wires. Birds are. Fish are. Ants are.

Humans. Are. Not.

We are meant to live our stories. It’s when you let go of trying to control the path and simply live the story ahead of you that—win, lose, or draw—you ensure your own success."
Também não se perde nada a ler "The Disadvantages of an Elite Education" com este teaser:
"But if you’re afraid to fail, you’re afraid to take risks, which begins to explain the final and most damning disadvantage of an elite education: that it is profoundly anti-intellectual. This will seem counterintuitive. Aren’t kids at elite schools the smartest ones around, at least in the narrow academic sense? Don’t they work harder than anyone else—indeed, harder than any previous generation? They are. They do. But being an intellectual is not the same as being smart. Being an intellectual means more than doing your homework.
If so few kids come to college understanding this, it is no wonder. They are products of a system that rarely asked them to think about something bigger than the next assignment. The system forgot to teach them, along the way to the prestige admissions and the lucrative jobs, that the most important achievements can’t be measured by a letter or a number or a name. It forgot that the true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers."

1 comentário:

Sjjpires disse...

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