sábado, março 13, 2010

A paixão por procedimentos (parte I)

De 1 a 7, em que 1 é "discordo totalmente" e 7 é "concordo totalmente" como classificaria a frase:
"Teaching people procedures helps them perform tasks more skillfully"
BTW, tenho previsto na minha agenda para hoje, criar uma instrução escrita sobre como elaborar uma lista de verificação no âmbito da preparação de uma auditoria, para distribuir numa acção de formação em curso...
"The process of transforming skills into procedures is irresistible. All we have to do is break a complex task down into steps and provide some tips about when to start and finish each step. Then we hand the procedures out so that workers can perform this task even without years of practice."
E quero que as pessoas sigam religiosamente a instrução?
Se vou criar a instrução é porque julgo que terá algum valor, porque julgo que pode ser útil para quem nunca teve de traduzir um critério de auditoria num conjunto de questões a colocar, ou de observações a realizar durante uma auditoria. E eu, sigo a instrução? ... às vezes. Já realizei tantas auditorias, já preparei tantas listas de verificação que às vezes, perante um caso concreto resolvo fazer uma experiência e seguir outra abordagem.
"By the time people become proficient, they are seeing situations instead of calculating procedures. Experts rely on their immediate intuitive responses.
Procedures, including checklists, are tools. Every tool has limitations, and I am not arguing that we should do away with procedures."
E agora algo que perturbará a mente cartesiana de alguns que tudo querem legislar:
"In complex settings in which we have to take the context into account, we can’t codify all the work in a set of procedures. No matter how comprehensive the procedures, people probably will run into something unexpected and will have to use their judgment. It often takes government regulation to force organizations to compile reasonably comprehensive sets of procedures, and those procedures usually have some gaps.
Even the routine task of flying an airplane can move beyond procedures. And in emergencies, procedures may be cast aside."
Quantas vezes já vimos isto:
"... a common problem and a consequence of trying to make procedures sufficiently comprehensive. The more comprehensive the procedures, the more voluminous they become. And the more voluminous, the more forbidding they appear, the more work to find what is needed, and the lower the chances that anyone will try."
"Procedures are often out of date because work practices keep evolving.
Because procedures keep evolving, procedural guides are rarely complete"
"Over time, some procedures became obsolete or even counterproductive. The people doing the job learned workarounds. They used their experience to adapt, just as we would expect in a complex domain. But how often could the managers revise the procedural manuals?"
"Inevitably, the procedures lagged behind the actual way people did their work. Up-to-date procedures had to be interpreted and carried out by workers using their judgment and experience, and obsolete procedures created even more headaches.
But there is a bigger problem than the fact that procedures are rarely sufficient and often out of date. In many cases, procedures can make performance worse, not better. They can lull us into mindlessness and complacency, and an erosion of expertise. In some cases, procedures can mislead us.
Procedures can lead to mindlessness and complacency.
Procedures can lull people into a passive mindset of just following the steps and not really thinking about what they are doing. When we become passive, we don’t try to improve our skills. Why bother, if all we are doing is following the procedures? So the checklists and procedural
guides can reduce our motivation to become highly skilled at a job."
Mas então vale a pena seguir, manter procedimentos?
Trechos destacados do livro "Streetlights and Shadows - Searching for the keys to Adaptive Decision Making" de Gary Klein.

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