quinta-feira, maio 07, 2009

Suster a respiração... por quanto tempo?

Quem é que aguenta mais tempo debaixo de água sem respirar?
O colapso da procura, ou o dinheiro no baú do ministro?
Quando é que a procura voltará aos níveis de 2007/2008?
Quando a tal de retoma acontecer, as pessoas vão poder voltar a usar as casas como máquinas multibanco?
Quando a tal de retoma acontecer, os bancos vão voltar a ser uns mãos-largas?
Atenção à mensagem deste artigo "From buy, buy to bye-bye":
"The biggest changes will take place in America and parts of Europe, where housing and stockmarket bubbles have imploded and unemployment has soared. As well as seeing their incomes fall as employers cut wages and jobs, households have also seen the value of their homes and retirement savings shrink dramatically. Although the threat to wages will fade as growth picks up, the damage done to housing and other assets will linger."
"The trend towards thrift will not disappear when the economy picks up. For one thing, those banks left standing after the bust will be far more parsimonious with consumer credit. For another, many people will still be intent on rebuilding their nest-eggs, which is reflected in sharply rising rates of saving. Sociologists also detect a distinct change in people’s behaviour. Until the downturn, folk had come to assume that “affluence” was the norm, even if they had to go deeply into debt to pay for gadgets and baubles. Now many people no longer seem consumed by the desire to consume; instead, they are planning to live within their means, and there has been a backlash against bling."
Ou este outro, no DN de hoje "Portugal com a maior queda da UE nas vendas a retalho"
Não será conveniente pensar na reformulação da actividade?

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