quinta-feira, abril 24, 2008

A revolução no comboio

Para um amante e utilizador assíduo dos comboios, a revista strategy+business inclui um artigo interessante "On Track for Growth" por Andrew Tipping e Justin Zubrod sobre como é que a indústria de caminho de ferro se está a reinventar centrando-se no cliente. (aqui)

"The worldwide revitalization of the rail industry has been attributed to the effect of privatization. But although privatization can make a difference, it isn’t a prerequisite for success in passenger rail service — or even the most critical factor. Discernible, reliable im­provements are taking place under all three forms of governance: public-sector agencies, private-sector rail corporations, and public–private hybrids. In the end, skillful management and a dedication to sensing and meeting the needs of the market seem to matter more than the structure of ownership.
"They are escaping from both overly restrictive regulations and the self-imposed one-size-fits-all approach to serving their customers. These companies are responding to the growing complexity of their markets and increasing demand for higher levels of service and reliability. And in doing so, they are mapping out a path not only for other railroads but for any sector that needs to be more market-facing, responsive, and visionary."

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Anónimo disse...

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