terça-feira, junho 25, 2024

Curiosidade do dia

Tom Holland diz que a chegada do cristianismo a uma cidade é marcada, nos estratos arqueológicos, pelo fim das valas comuns para recém-nascidos, o fim do infanticídio como prática corrente.

Eis um retrato do pós-cristianismo no Ocidente: "Canadian Paralympian says she was offered medically assisted death after asking for wheelchair ramp".

Demasiado rebuscado? 

Esperem pela demora, "No One Left by Paul Morland - why demography is still destiny":

"In 1950 in Italy there were "about 17 under-tens for every one person aged over 80," he writes. Now it is more like one for one. In Thailand in 1950 there were "more than 70 under-tens for every one person over 80 ... Within a generation the over-eighties will outnumber the under-tens." At current rates Japan and China will have lost more than 40 per cent of their populations by the end of the century.

When the NHS was founded in 1948 there were 200-300,000 people in the UK aged 80 and over, a cohort that typically needs six to seven times more healthcare than people in their prime. Now there are more than 1.5m. "This is not just social change," he argues, but a "complete social transformation."

BTW, interessante trecho para situar este país socialista:

"In richer countries the consequences of low birth rates have been obscured by immigration. In poorer ones they have been accentuated by emigration."

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