sexta-feira, março 21, 2014

Comunicar um aumento de preço

"Whatever your reason--and we’re sure it’s a damn good one--you have to raise your prices. Just don’t share the whole truth with your customers.
1. Tell them what they stand to gain.“Explain the reasons that [the increase will] benefit the customer: added content, additional service, or support,”
2. Show your worth.Along similar lines, pricing-strategy expert Rafi Mohammed writes in an HBR Blog Network post: “Make it a point to reinforce that even with the price increase, your product or service is still a great deal.
3. Play favorites.In an Inc. column, sales consultant Tom Searcy suggests that it’s important to let your biggest clients and customers know about the increase early to soften the blow. “It’s a mistake to let them get the news through an email or a salesperson,” Searcy writes. “A price increase, even if understandable, is still going to be seen as bad news--so it should be communicated executive to executive, not couriered by frontline people.”
4. Be flexible.“No one likes being cornered with a ‘take it or leave it’ ultimatum,” Mohammed writes. “A price increase is more palatable if there is an option to save money. Even if you don’t expect anyone to take the cheaper option, offer it anyway. Consumers appreciate choices.” Mohammed goes on to suggest that offering “silver” or “gold” product packages with increased offerings to the customer may work better than offering an across-the-board price hike."
Agora começar com a história dos custos, para justificar um aumento de preço ... not good

2 comentários:

D. Pedro IV disse...

Interessante, mas much easier said than done....

CCz disse...

Verdade, nunca é fácil.