quarta-feira, fevereiro 15, 2017

"It’s a move to a more equalised and humane society"

Ainda voltarei a "The Great Fragmentation : why the future of business is small" de Steve Sammartino. No entanto, não resisto a citar aqui o último sublinhado que fiz no livro:
"While at various points in this book it may seem like I’m dancing on the grave of the industrial revolution, and singing a happy song about the end of powerful industries or even corporations, I’m not. What I’m doing is trying to help everyone realise that what made companies big yesterday is likely to be their unravelling tomorrow. The tools of life and business are now in the hands of everyone.
Mass is quickly fragmenting into a world of niche, smaller and more distributed things. And big businesses that need a new survival manifesto need to embrace the fragmented nature if they want to stay ‘big’.
We are entering the age of post-scarcity abundance. The great fragmentation isn’t just great because it’s huge or amazing — although, in fact, it really is. It’s much more than that. It’s a move to a more equalised and humane society where the power to know and the power to participate are being handed back to everyone.[Moi ici: Por isso, rio-me com os que antevêem um mundo fabril  dominado pela automatização. Vejo sim o fim das empresas grandes que vomitam produções comoditizadas e a ascensão dos pré-industriais artesãos apoiados pelas máquinas com a democratização da produção] Both economically and socially, just about everything is being democratised for good. I think it’s better than good … I think it’s great."
É, sem dúvida, um bom resumo do que acredito ser o que Mongo nos vai trazer e que é possível intuir ao ler este blogue ao longo dos anos.

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