sábado, julho 09, 2016

Partir o molde e mudar as regras

Em Mongo, veremos não só cada vez mais tribos assim, "The Bikini Body Cult of Kayla Itsines", como tribos globais a crescer a esta velocidade, com muitos poucos meios, apesar dos incumbentes gigantes estabelecidos no terreno e bem estribados em marketing supostamente caro e eficaz.
Interessante perceber como tudo começou por acaso, porque alguém resolveu partir o molde e mudar as regras:
"Seven years ago, Itsines was 18, freshly graduated from a personal-training course at the Australian Institute of Fitness. She was leading exercise classes at a women’s gym in Adelaide. “It was mostly older women. They put them on machines, and every few minutes I’d shout, ‘Next!’ and they’d change machines. That was it. ‘Next!’ I was like, this isn’t doing anything for them,” she says, sitting in her Manhattan hotel a few days before the boot camp. One day, Itsines cleared the machines, turned on a stereo, and led the women through a circuit of standard exercises—leg lifts, burpees, skipping in place. They loved it. Then her younger sister’s friends, many of them still in high school, asked her to help them get in shape so they could play netball, an Australian version of basketball, on the school team. “I thought, OK, I’ll train them like athletes,” she says. She picked abdominal exercises that strengthened muscles responsible for stability. Jumps and squats helped the girls develop powerful legs. She lectured them on eating healthy and, borrowing a technique from her gym and from decades of weight-loss ads, asked them to take before-and-after photos to track their progress.
Sweat With Kayla has generated more revenue than any fitness app this year, besting Nike+ and Under Armour’s MyFitnessPalItsines was looking for a way to organize the photos when her 12-year-old cousin suggested she join Instagram. “I was like, ‘Instagram? What is that? Is it a computer program?’ ” She joined as @kayla_itsines in August 2012 and used her account to post pictures of clients in sports bras and underwear, along with how much weight they’d lost (8 pounds in five weeks for one, 20 pounds in three months for another, etc.). Waists cinched, butts tightened, biceps emerged and then bulged. In a few months, Itsines attracted hundreds of thousands of followers who wrote to her for weight-loss tips and asked if they could hire her. Pearce, who’s also a personal trainer, suggested she sell a workout guide, something women outside Adelaide could use to exercise on their own. In March 2013 she and Pearce started their company, with Itsines as director and Pearce as chief executive officer. They created a website and in January 2014 sold two PDF guides, one for exercise and one for nutrition."
Depois, o crescimento orgânico explosivo baseado em testemunhos.

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