quinta-feira, junho 04, 2015

Para reflexão (parte VI)

Parte I, parte IIparte IIIparte IV e parte V.
Nos últimos dias tem sido um festival de textos e vídeos associados à Bayesian approach da estratégia.
Por exemplo:
"You are so busy looking at what 3D printing can’t do that you’re ignoring what it can do!
While her competitors had dismissed additive manufacturing because it couldn’t (at that point) print an entire product, she had focused on just one element of the product. Her firm ramped up from 100 customized parts to 10,000 in just one year. It is now expanding into other parts, and will soon be able to offer customization of the overall product at a premium price. As the company moves down the learning curve and costs come down, the savings from reduced waste, inventory, and assembly labor will even make it competitive for the mass production segment of the market."
  • "The Discipline of Business Experimentation" (artigo de Stefan Thomke e Jim Manzi, publicado na HBR de Dezembro de 2014)
"big data can provide clues only about the past behavior of customers - not about how they will react to bold changes. When it comes to innovation, then, most managers must operate in a world where they lack sufficient data to inform their decisions. Consequently, they often rely on their experience or intuition. But ideas that are truly innovative - that is, those that can reshape industries - typically go against the grain of executive experience and conventional wisdom.
Managers can, however, discover whether a new product or business program will succeed by subjecting it to a rigorous test.
A rigorous scientific test, in which companies separate an independent variable (the presumed cause) from a dependent variable (the observed effect) while holding all other potential causes constant, and then manipulate the former to study changes in the latter."

  • Numa outra entrevista incluída no relatório "European Health & Fitness Market - Report 2015" da Deloitte, desta feita com Stefan Tilk, Director Geral da cadeia Fitness First Germany
"Before looking into the future, what have been the major developments and milestones for your company during the last twelve months?
A major milestone in 2014 was the acquisition of New-Moove, an online gym. We are convinced that there will be a strong link between the online and offline world in the near future. Therefore, we negotiated with different providers of online gyms and finally decided to acquire NewMoove for a number of good reasons.
Particularly with emphasis on the second aspect, we had to develop and revise our products and prices, for both our new and existing members."

Ou até mesmo:

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