- Julgo que crescemos quando percebemos as nossas limitações, quando percebemos as limitações das ferramentas que usamos, quando ganhamos coragem para trabalhar sem rede "A Radical Approach to Understanding Text" (E então, quando à posteriori, com o conhecimento de hoje, julgamos as acções do passado... "To a Reductionist, context “dependency” is something bad, something to discard. To a Holist, context is the whole point. These differences between Reductionist Science and Holistic problem solving in everyday life are very significant."
- "Evidence Shows You Can, In Fact, 'Compete' With 'Free'" acredito que é possível competir com o grátis se se oferecer algo que o grátis não oferece e se se apontar como clientes, alvos que reconhecem, valorizam e procuram esse algo a mais "Crise não está a afectar as inscrições no ensino privado". Mesmo com as desistências, cada aluno no privado é uma prova de que é possível competir com o grátis (grátis aqui é uma metáfora, vocês sabem do que estou a falar). Um dos problemas é quando a direcção de uma escola privada começa a cortar nos custos e a subverter o tal algo que faz (fazia) a diferença.
- São exemplos destes que me fazem ter fé na ingenuidade optimista e aspirar a um mundo, e trabalhar para a sua construção, onde as marcas imperiais não têm alicerces para existir, onde o futuro seja da diversidade, da proximidade, da pequena escala, da pequena produção: Mongo Rules!!! "How the WSJ magazine fails its readers".
- Hummmm! O José Silva não vai gostar disto "Rethinking Failure"
- Cada vez gosto mais deste Seth Godin que apela ao melhor de cada um de nós, que nos desafia, que nos empurra para maximizarmos o nosso potencial "The myth of preparation"
- Este artigo "Negócio do mel atrai cada vez mais desempregados" merece um postal inteiro como ilustração das lições de Markides e como continuação da série "Agarrem-me senão eu mato-me! Agora não tenho mais tempo, talvez logo à noite.
segunda-feira, setembro 13, 2010
Um emaranhado auto-catalítico que conspira para emergir uma sinergia competitiva bem sucedida
- first, the individual activities we choose to do must be the ones that are demanded by the market...
- second, the activities we decide to perform must fit with each other...
- third, activities must not only fit but must also be in-balance with each other...
- finally, in designing these activities, not only should we pay particular attention to the interrelationships in this system but we should also be aware that the "structure" of the system will drive behaviour in it. What our people do in the firm is conditioned by this underlying structure. Therefore, if we want to change behaviour, we will have to change the structure of the system."
domingo, setembro 12, 2010
O poder das histórias
Mixed feelings
(Mt 13, 1-9)
1 Naquele dia, Jesus saiu de casa e sentou-se à beira-mar.
2 Reuniu-se a Ele uma tão grande multidão, que teve de subir para um barco, onde se sentou, enquanto toda a multidão se conservava na praia.
3 Jesus falou-lhes de muitas coisas em parábolas: «O semeador saiu para semear.
4 Enquanto semeava, algumas sementes caíram à beira do caminho: e vieram as aves e comeram-nas.
5 Outras caíram em sítios pedregosos, onde não havia muita terra: e logo brotaram, porque a terra era pouco profunda;
6 mas, logo que o sol se ergueu, foram queimadas e, como não tinham raízes, secaram.
7 Outras caíram entre espinhos: e os espinhos cresceram e sufocaram-nas.
8 Outras caíram em terra boa e deram fruto: umas, cem; outras, sessenta; e outras, trinta.
9 Aquele que tiver ouvidos, oiça!»"
Estratégia é fazer escolhas - escolhas que doem, escolhas que custam
O Presidente equivocado
Novidade versus massificação
O José Silva vai gostar
sábado, setembro 11, 2010
Sonho de um optimista ingénuo (parte II)
Most people believe that trade and foreign direct investment directly translate into a competition between the high-wage workers of the already developed countries and the low-wage workers of poor countries. They think wages of the well-paid workers of the West will sink when goods and services similar to the ones they produce – or the components of these products – can be made at lesser cost abroad, imported, and sold at lower price.
Managers … They reason that whenever they can relocate an activity currently carried out in a high-wage country to a low-wage country, they reduce their costs.
reducing labor costs was almost always high on the list of motivations; sometimes it was the only rationale for the move.
But what matters in the bottom line is not wage rates but unit labor costs.
But there’s yet another reason all garment manufacturing will not move to China: Fast deliveries and replenishment are services that still command a highprice in well-to-do societies. People are willing to pay for having the latest best thing now, not a month from now. This factor privileges production in high-wage economies with large numbers of affluent consumers.
The Italian and the German examples show, although in very different ways, that survival and prosperity are real possibilities, even for textiles and garments. Even though the industry is declining rapidly in most of Europe, in countries like Italy employment levels are quite stable, with good jobs and profits."
Dá que pensar... a sério
Kauffman’s ... shows how the dynamics of a self-organizing network consisting of a number (N) of entities is determined by the number (K) and strength (P) of the connections between these entities.
Kauffman is developing a notion of formative causality in which numbers and strengths of connection between entities in a system cause the patterns of behavior of that system. The patterns of behavior are not, initially anyway, caused by chance and competitive selection, on the one hand, or by an agent’s choice, on the other. No agent within the system is choosing the pattern of behavior across the system and neither is Kauffman, the simulator. Instead, that pattern emerges in the interaction between the agents, neither by chance nor by choice, but through the capacity to produce coherence that is intrinsic to interaction itself.
If this notion of causality were to apply to human organizations, its implications would be profound because it would mean that organizational change, strategic direction, is caused neither by chance nor by the choices of managers, but by the nature of interaction, relationship or cooperation between people in that organization. If one thinks along these lines, it immediately leads one to ask what managers are doing when they think they are choosing and planning their organization’s future. The notion that managers can choose what happens to their organization as a whole is so deeply ingrained that it leads to a typical response. The response is to argue that if managers cannot choose a creative outcome because it is radically unpredictable, then at least they can choose those numbers and strengths of connections, those qualities of relationship that produce the dynamics at the edge of chaos where creative change is possible. However, this misses the whole point because no agent within the system is choosing the numbers and strengths of connections for other agents in the system, or for themselves either; even if they were, this is not enough to determine the dynamic"
sexta-feira, setembro 10, 2010
Notícias que merecem pouca reflexão
Temos de competir como um país de moeda forte
- Alemanha - Restrictive labor regulations - 19,6
- Portugal - Restrictive labor regulations - 19,3"
'The chaos zone'
Fazer escolhas claras!!!
quinta-feira, setembro 09, 2010
Se eu conseguisse influenciar uma escola
A estabilidade podre em que vivemos e a que nos habituamos é uma ilusão
- "Investidores exigiram 5,973% nas Obrigações a 10 anos"
- "Risco de Portugal renova máximos pelo segundo dia"
- "Portugal paga preço "doloroso" em emissão com procura "pobre"
- "Portugal coloca dívida pública mas com juros mais altos"
- "A Portuguese canary"
- "Gastos públicos crescem ao ritmo mais alto da década"
Saltar do disco do HOW, HOW, HOW, HOW.
- WHO should I target as customers?
- WHAT products or services should I offer them?
- HOW should I do this in an efficient way?
quarta-feira, setembro 08, 2010
Diamantes por lapidar
Quando se acredita que o futuro é uma continuação do passado
"preso por ter cão e por não ter"
Há alternativas
We all had ten years to create viable strategies to meet the challenges of the quota phase-out. We all knew the actual date that quotas would disappear on December 31, 2004. We all knew that the end of quota would bring the greatest change in the history of the global garment industry. Yet on January 1, 2005, we were all taken by surprise, unprepared." (Moi ici: Aqui os caviares dirão, a culpa é dos empresários portugueses que são ignorantes, temos de lhes expropriara as fábricas)
This concentration on the short term traps us in the world of competition, where local factories vie against other local factories for increased orders, and where regional and national retailers vie against other regional and national retailers for a greater share of the consumer market."
Financiar as infraestruturas adequadas à economia do século XX
"Obama revelou que o programa prevê a recuperação ou construção de 240 mil quilómetros de estradas, a construção ou manutenção de 6400 quilómetros de vias férreas e a reabilitação de 240 quilómetros de pistas em aeroportos, bem como a modernização de todo o sistema de controlo do tráfego aéreo."
terça-feira, setembro 07, 2010
Os resultados da inovação estratégica
- new business models (including a new value chain architecture), or
- new markets (either by creating new ones or reshaping existing ones), or
- increased value for both the customer and the company
- que mudaram o seu modelo de negócio, passando a assentar as suas vantagens competitivas noutras actividades e atributos;
- que mudaram de clientes, passando a trabalhar com clientes mais exigentes; e
- que passaram a produzir bens ou serviços com um maior valor acrescentado.
Sobre a impossibilidade de prever o futuro e o paradoxo de Zenão (parte I)
Faz-me espécie
Retirei esta figura do livro “The Execution Premium” de Robert Kaplan e David Norton por que me faz muita espécie.
No meu modelo mental a coisa funciona assim:
Olho para os resultados como consequência de algo que se faz a montante, ou seja:
Gosto da metáfora do diagrama de causa-efeito para explicar onde actuar a montante para ter os resultados pretendidos.
Não gosto de colocar iniciativas, projectos de mudança, nas perspectivas de resultados. Se realizamos uma iniciativa é para mudar uma daquelas causas que contribuem para o efeito e o efeito são os resultados.
Daí que prefira usar:
Voltando à figura do livro de Kaplan e Norton:
Se modifico a segmentação dos clientes estou a alterar uma prática de trabalho.
Se passo a fazer uma avaliação da satisfação dos clientes… estou a acrescentar uma nova prática de trabalho.
Ou seja, colocaria as iniciativas na perspectiva interna e não na dos clientes.
segunda-feira, setembro 06, 2010
Correlação não é o mesmo que causalidade
As Feynman said, “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself – and you are the easiest person to fool.”"
Commander's Intent versus Conformidade com os procedimentos
Many armies fail because they put all their emphasis into creating a plan that becomes useless ten minutes into the battle."
Colonel Kolditz says, "Over time we've come to understand more and more about what makes people successful in complex operations." He believes that plans are useful, in the sense that they are proof that planning has taken place. The planning process forces people to think through the right issues. But as for the plans themselves, Kolditz says, "They just don't work on the battlefield." So, in the 1980s the Army adapted its planning process, inventing a concept called Commander's Intent (CI).
CI is a crisp, plain-talk statement that appears at the top of every order, specifying the plan's goal, the desired end-state of an operation.
The CI never specifies so much detail that it risks being rendered obsolete by unpredictable events. 'You can lose the ability to execute the original plan, but you never lose the responsibility of executing the intent," says Kolditz.
Commander's Intent manages to align the behavior of soldiers at all levels without requiring play-by-play instructions from their leaders. When people know the desired destination, they're free to improvise, as needed, in arriving there.
I could spend a lot of time enumerating every specific task, but as soon as people know what the intent is they begin generating their own solutions."
- "Schwerpunkt"
- "Schwerpunkt (II)"
- "Auftragstaktik" ("Auftragstaktik encourages commanders to exhibit initiative, flexibility and improvisation while in command. In what may be seen as surprising Auftragstaktik empowers commanders to disobey orders and revise their effect as long as the intent of the commander is maintained.")
- "Parte I - os alicerces da guerra relâmpago (Blitzkrieg)"
These leaders developed a military cultural norm that supported and expected decisive action by subordinates in the face of uncertainty or ambiguity.
of the operation and must be understood two levels below the level of the issuing commander. It must clearly state the purpose of the mission. It is the single unifying focus for all subordinate elements. It is not a summary of the concept of the operation.
Its purpose is to focus subordinates on what has to be accomplished in order to achieve success, even when the plan and concept no longer apply, and to discipline their efforts toward that end."
domingo, setembro 05, 2010
A estabilidade é uma ilusão!
O sonho de Cravinho para Lisboa... é como as SCUTS, pode virar pesadelo também para os lisboetas
sábado, setembro 04, 2010
Emissão após emissão (parte II)
Made to stick para motivar para a mudança
- na comunicação, o problema é sempre do emissor. O emissor é que tem de despertar e cativar o receptor;
- para despertar o desafio da mudança há algumas ideias importantes a ter em conta: aproveitar uma crise ou uma qualquer "burning platform" para gerar a motivação para a mudança transformadora; possuir uma visão clara e uma estratégia sem, no entanto, enfiar palas, ou seja, admitindo espaço para iterações; recordar que a mudança não acontece de um momento para o outro; centrar a transformação nas necessidades dos clientes-alvo; demonstrar aos mais cépticos que agir de forma diferente pode levar a resultados diferentes; e salientar a importância de comunicar-comunicar-comunicar. (checklist retirada daqui)
- recordar também o filme "Inception": "Their task: to plant an idea in the mind of a major energy conglomerate heir ... And they do it using a few of the SUCCESs principles that also map to the Decker Cornerstones:
Simple: The idea must be incredibly simple so that it can grow and thrive on its own. That means boiling your message down to the biggest change in how you want your listener to think/act about your idea – it’s your Point Of View.
Concrete: There must be some specificity and familiarity in the environment to allow the idea to grow. In other words, once you get someone to buy off on your Point of View, you must tell them what to do next. Include a Specific Action Step that is timed, physical and measurable.
Emotion: Use it! This is the get-someone-to-CARE-about-your-idea part. Why would they do this? Give them the benefits (to THEM), and remember that positive emotion trumps negative emotion. The movie really tugs at the heartstrings here – without giving away too much I’ll just say that parents, don’t throw out all the elementary school artwork." (paralelismo interessante retirado daqui) - voltar a reler as partes sublinhadas desse grande livro sobre comunicação "Made to Stick"
sexta-feira, setembro 03, 2010
Quanto menos, melhor
rewarded through financial incentive schemes. He maintained that management was an objective science that could be defined by laws, rules and principles: if a task was clearly defined, and if those performing it were properly motivated, then that task would be efficiently performed." (Moi ici: Quantas pessoas estão de acordo com este recorte? E como ser coerente e continuar a ser consultor de sistemas de gestão sem acreditar nesta "prescription"?)
The whole mechanism is thought to be the sum of its parts and the behavior of each part is thought to be governed by timeless laws. An organization is, thus, thought to be governed by efficient causality and the manager’s main concern is with these “if-then” causal rules. There is a quite explicit assumption that there is some set of rules that are optimal; that is, that produce the most efficient global outcome of the actions of the parts, or members, of the organization." (Moi ici: Comparar uma organização a um mecanismo... essa é demasiado puxada. Não ver que uma empresa é mais do que a soma das partes é ignorar a emergência dos sistemas. Acreditar em leis independentes do tempo e em causas suficientes é ignorar a realidade.)
management, Rationalist Teleology is stripped of the quality of the unknown, and also of the ethical limits within which action should take place, to provide a reduced Rationalist Teleology. In fact scientific management does what Kant argued against. It applies the scientific
method in its most mechanistic form to human action, whereas Kant argued that it was inapplicable in any form simply because human freedom applies to all humans."
they always formed themselves into groups that soon developed customs, duties, routines and rituals and argued that managers would only succeed if these groups accepted their authority and leadership. He concluded that it was a major role of the manager to organize teamwork and so sustain cooperation. Mayo did not abandon a scientific approach but, rather, sought to apply the scientific method to the study of motivation in groups."
should do in a way that respects and motivates others (Rationalist Teleology) so that the designed set of rules will produce optimal outcomes (secular Natural law Teleology). Because they are governed by efficient cause, organizations can function like machines to achieve given purposes deliberately chosen by their managers. (Moi ici: Tanta ingenuidade!!!) Within the terms of this framework, change of a fundamental, radical kind cannot be explained.
Such change is simply the result of rational choices made by managers and just how such choices emerge is not part of what this theory seeks to explain. The result is a powerful way of thinking and managing when the goals and the tasks are clear, there is not much uncertainty and people are reasonably docile, but inadequate in other conditions. Truly novel change and coping with conditions of great uncertainty were simply not part of what scientific management and its Human Relations consort set out to explain or accomplish."
- "Estratégia, mapas errados e self-fulfilling prophecies" Este trecho é fundamental e poético "“Strategic plans are a lot like maps. They animate people and they orient people. Once people begin to act, they generate tangible outcomes in some context, and this helps them discover what is occurring, what needs to be explained, and what should be done next. Managers keep forgetting that it is what they do, not what they plan that explains their success. They keep giving credit to the wrong thing – namely, the plan – and having made this error, they then spend more time planning and less time acting. They are astonished when more planning improves nothing.”" Mas não basta um mapa qualquer, tem de ser um mapa em que acreditemos à partida, ainda que depois o alteremos.
- "Confiar a razão? (parte I)"
- "Eclesiastes, acção e sensemaking"
- "O tempo de feedback associado a um plano (plano I)"
quinta-feira, setembro 02, 2010
A lata! A hipocrisia!
- Enquanto que por cá, volta e meia, aparecem umas vozes do regime a apelar à fusão de bancos "Problema dos “bancos demasiado grandes para falirem” tem de ser resolvido, defende a Fed";
- Cool!!! Visualizar a história universal "The Flow of History"
- Sintomas do futuro "Disney Consumer Products Seeking to Establish Standards for Web-Connected Toys"
- Ele há coisas "Ancient beer brewed to include antibiotic"
Greve de zelo - uma anedota
Enredada nas suas próprias palavras
quarta-feira, setembro 01, 2010
Emissão após emissão
Apesar de não me iludir
Jantar BSC
Por que está no calendário
"If one thinks in terms of Rationalist Teleology then what happens now is an action chosen now to fulfill some selected goal for the future. Action is about filling the gap between what is desired for the future and what now exists. The movement of time is from the future to the living present. The meaning is located in the future, in the gesture made now as it points to the future.
The experience of meaning is occurring in a micro-present and it accounts for the fact that we can experience presentness. What is happening here is truly paradoxical for the future is changing the past just as the past is changing the future. In terms of meaning the future changes the past and the past changes the future, and meaning lies not at a single point in the present but in this circular process of the present in which there is the potential for transformation as well as repetition.
Modelos mentais obsoletos
Cost-cutting consequences
There is usually only one winner of a price war: the customer. Of the companies involved in the price war, the lowest-cost producer may do the best; but their financial results may or may not be attractive.
Meanwhile, in such an industry, many customers become price-shoppers instead of value-shoppers. That simply intensifies the pressure to lower prices and accelerates the vicious spiral of price cuts. Price wars not only erode profits, but also train customers to expect the same prices and to assume that all products and services perform the same—even if that is not true."
Trecho retirado de "Value Above Cost" de Donald Sexton.