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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta stephen denny. Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, fevereiro 17, 2015

"Fighting Dirty"

Lembram-se dos alhos chineses?
Lembrei-me logo deles quando li "Australians get hepatitis A from Chinese berries"
Depois, mais tarde, recordei-me de "Killing Giants" de Stephen Denny e de uma das estratégias abordadas para que David enfrente Golias... "Fighting Dirty"
Claro que convém recordar "Fighting Dirt is dangerous. Tread carefully."
O campeonato deixava de ser o preço mais baixo.

quarta-feira, outubro 15, 2014

"once a company reaches a critical mass of size..."

"the giant couldn't really do what they [Moi ici: They = Davids] do because, once a company reaches a critical mass of size, they have different problems. Brands stop focusing on being good at what made them great and start being great at making much more of what they make. They're no longer a master brewer; they're a supply chain company.
This insight is important. I put this question to each entrepreneur I spoke to because I was genuinely interested in understanding how they took this plunge. Couldn't the giant in their industry just squash them if they wanted to? Well, yes, but .. . they can't. Anheuser-Busch technically could retool their breweries to do what Samuel Adams beer [Moi ici: Um fabricante artesanal] does, but they won't. It isn't worth it to them. It would take up too much of their attention and time for too little a gain.
The Procter & Gambles of the world don't want their brand managers focusing this intently on developing that much expertise in a finite space. Their job is to do well and get promoted in eighteen months to another bigger job." 
Trecho retirado de "Killing Giants" de Stephen Denny

sexta-feira, dezembro 10, 2010

Quando o improvável acontece

Actualmente, lido com duas empresas, em sectores completamente diferentes, que passam pelo mesmo problema: Têm mais encomendas do que conseguem produzir.
Eu sei... it's a weird feeling!
Num dos casos interrogo-me se não se trata de uma empresa a precisar de uma scale-up (Steve Blank style).
Stephen Denny ajuda a reflectir sobre o tema em "The 5 Things Sales and Marketing People Need to Do When Demand Outstrips Supply".
No passado conheci uma empresa que sempre lamentou o ter caído na tentação da arrogância  quando se encontrou numa situação deste tipo. Os ex-clientes nunca, mas nunca mais esqueceram esse facto e, quando a maré mudou, e ela muda sempre, nem mendigando eles voltaram.