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quinta-feira, março 05, 2015

Tecto de vidro? Uma hipótese de explicação (parte XIV)

 Parte I , parte II parte IIIparte IVparte Vparte VIparte VIIparte VIIIparte IXparte X, parte XIparte XII e parte XIII.
Mais novidade que isto é difícil, um texto deste mês de Março, "Turning pricing power into profit", bem encaixado nesta série:
"Companies often overlook pricing as a driver of earnings growth, instead defaulting to cost cutting and other measures. Here are five steps to growth through pricing."
Como não recordar logo o truque de Mongo:
"Em Mongo, o truque é aumentar o preço unitário, não o de reduzir o custo unitário"
Mas claro:
"Pricing managers often lack a clear understanding of how profitability varies among regions and product lines, and they know even less about how it can vary among individual customers or transactions.
the price of a product or service ultimately depends on how much a customer thinks it’s worth - that is, “value pricing.” The best companies augment pricing analytics with detailed customer insights to identify all the key buying factors that determine how much a product is worth to a given customer, [Moi ici: Quantas PME são capazes de os mencionar com segurança? Quantas os têm na ponta da língua?] understand how those factors compare with competitors’ offers, and quantify the  value created for the customer."

segunda-feira, outubro 19, 2009

Equílibrio pontuado

Há dias, neste espaço, interrogava-me por que é que tantas empresas em vez de evoluírem permanentemente, dia após dia, adormecem e atolam-se num status quo que não vai durar sempre. Esse ramram vai corroer a sua capacidade de mudar, o seu estado de preparação, a sua robustez.
Assim, quando se dá uma mudança na "maré" essas empresas perdem o pé e morrem.
Afinal, o que descrevi pode ser enquadrado no paradigma do equilíbrio pontuado (punctuated equilibrium). A ideia veio da paleobiologia e propõe que a evolução biológica não ocorre de forma gradual e contínua ao longo do tempo, mas antes através de saltos entre períodos de estabilidade:
"punctuated equilibrium suggests that organizations enjoy long periods of stability, or equilibrium. These periods of equilibrium are interrupted by compact, relatively short periods of
qualitative metamorphic change, or revolution. This is summarized in a definition...
Organizations evolve through the alternation of periods of equilibrium, in which persistent underlying structures permit only incremental change, (Moi ici: quando estamos nestes períodos faz sentido apostar na melhoria da eficiência e no denominador da equação da produtividade) and periods of revolution, in which these underlying structures are fundamentally altered. All organizations have a deep structure which consists of core beliefs and values; products, markets, technology, and competitive timing; distribution of power; basic internal structure; and type of control systems.
Deep structure
Each organization possesses what is called a deep structure, which forms its underlying order. It is the deep structure which exists during periods of equilibrium, and limits change. Organizational deep structure has four facets: core beliefs and values; products, markets, technology, and competitive timing; distribution of power; and organizational structure and the nature of its control system."
Se calhar é pedir demais, ou esperar demais... pensar que uma massa crítica de empresas fuja a esta lógica da ditadura do equilíbrio.
O que muitos sectores industriais vivem actualmente é um período de revolução:
"Periods of revolution cause deep structures to disassemble, reconfigure, and undergo wholesale transformation. There is a breakdown of the old equilibrium; a period of uncertainty about the future, and a new basis around which to form a new deep structure. Revolutionary periods close rapidly once a new deep structure is found. Revolution causes complete breakdown because of the mutual interdependence of a system’s parts and action patterns. (Moi ici: e querer manter as estruturas antigas para combater a nova guerra? E não perceber que o que sempre resultou agora não resulta, não chega... E começar a lançar culpas pelos colaboradores sem poder executivo...)
It is usually changes in the internal and/or external environment that cause revolutionary punctuations. Usually, internal growth strains existing organization practices and structures. External environmental changes which are significant include maturation of product life cycles; the legal and social climate; and substitute products and technologies. These shifts in and of themselves may not cause revolutionary punctuations, but they create the need which may precipitate the punctuation."
Trechos retirados daqui.

domingo, outubro 18, 2009

Organizações, evolução e gestão estratégica

"... we now define organizations as:
purposive social collections of controlled resources, building exchange relations and interacting with other entities, and developing strategies for reaching objectives.
The idea of evolution applies to an entity and characterizes a process of transformation.
Evolution is a series of identifiable events causally linked together, which concern one or several entities at different levels of analysis that may or may not alter their essential characteristics, and may or may not proceed toward an anticipated ending.
Tushman and Romanelli (1985, 1994) propose that organizations progress through convergent periods punctuated by reorientations which demark and set bearings for the next convergent period. Where middle-level management interpolates structures and systems during convergent periods, executive leadership mediates between internal and institutional forces for inertia and competitive forces for fundamental change. (Moi ici: Quando um modelo de negócio está implementado e goza de saúde qualquer "funcionário" pode gerir, pode replicar o negócio, pode copiar o que vê ter resultado com outros. Quando se dá a rotura do modelo de negócio já não basta, já não chega continuar a replicar o que sempre deu, é preciso uma reorientação estratégica.) It is executive leadership which initiates, shapes, and directs strategic reorientations. (Tushman and Romanelli, 1994: 1141)
Gradually, organizations converge on a common definition of industry characteristics.
During the convergence period, competitive selection increasingly aligns organizational behavior, structure, and resources. Convergent periods display incremental and interdependent change activities and decisions that tend to reinforce consistency with strategic orientation. These periods are interrupted by infrequent and intense periods of internal reconfigurations of organizations according to new visions, missions, and goals. These brutal reorientations engage the organization in simultaneous shifts in strategy, distribution of power, structure and control systems (Tushman and Romanelli, 1994)." (Moi ici: Os períodos de convergência promovem uma redução da "biodiversidade" estratégica. Assim, quando muda a maré, a maior parte das empresas está na mesma onda, falta a resiliência, falta a robustez "comunitária" e a rapidez de orientação estratégica é fundamental. O problema é a falta de visão estratégica dos "funcionários", a falta de locus de controlo interno, ...)
In this representation of organizational evolution, the two mechanisms that play a role within organizations are mutually exclusive. Either the firm follows the prevailing business methods in times of convergence, or it reconfigures itself rapidly to be competitive in the next phase of convergence. A blind spot in this model concerns the determinants of the sudden reorientation stage at the firm level assuming that a change in executive leadership drives organizational reorientation (Sastry, 1997)."
Trechos retirados de "Organizational Evolution and Strategic Management" de Rodolphe Durand.