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sexta-feira, setembro 28, 2012

Arranjar um tempo

A certa altura, Joseph Campbell em "The Power of Mith" diz qualquer coisa como:
"Isto eu sei sobre o desporto, o atleta que está num pico de forma de campeão tem um lugar calmo, um local de repouso, no interior de si, e é daí que vem a sua acção. Se ele estiver todo virado para a acção, não vai ter o nível de desempenho adequado."
Assim que ouvi isto fiz logo a ponte para um texto de Max McKeown retirado de "The Strategy Book":
"Strategy is about out-thinking your competition. It’s about vision first and planning second. That’s why it’s so important that you think before you plan. And that the thinking part of what you do is given a priority. Strategists who don’t take time to think are just planners.
if you start the planning before thinking, you can end up with the wrong solution to the right problem. Or perhaps the right solution to the wrong problem. Or the least imaginative solution to a really important problem. You might miss out on all the creative ways you could have grabbed the very biggest opportunities. Your objective should be to make sure that imaginative, open, playful, passionate thinking happens before the serious work of planning begins. That's what strategy is about - thinking strategically.
Strategy is about the shortest route between means and ends. It’s either about out-thinking the competition – or – even better – about finding new, even greater opportunities. Opportunities the competition hasn’t found yet. Or opportunities the competition doesn’t understand because it has done the kind of thinking that you have.
There are always better ways of doing anything. There are always shorter routes for getting from where you are to where you want to be. ... There are forever methods, relationships and ideas just waiting to be discovered, and these can only be discovered by creating room - slack - for thinking."
As empresas bem sucedidas conseguem ter tempo para pensar, para planear e para actuar.
E a sua empresa, quanto tempo, que espaço interior dedica a reflectir sobre o que pode ser, sobre as tendências que ainda estão mal distribuídas, sobre as oportunidades, sobre um futuro diferente do presente?
E não basta arranjar tempo, tem de ser um tempo de qualidade, como diz David Rock em "Your Brain at Work":
"Awareness is a state in which the brain focuses lightly on an impasse. In the awareness state, you want to put the problem on the stage, but ensure it takes up as little space as possible so that other actors can get on. To minimize activation of the prefrontal cortex, don’t focus too hard, quiet the mind of other thoughts, and simplify the problem as much as possible. A good way to simplify a problem is to describe it in as few words as possible.
In the reflection phase, you hold the impasse in mind, but reflect on your thinking processes, rather than on the content of thoughts.
The objective is to see your impasse from a high level, not to get detailed. This activates right hemisphere regions that are important for insight, and allows loose connections to form. You also want to activate the easy, unfocused mental state that occurs as you drift awake in the morning, when ideas dreamily flow into mind.
The insight stage is fascinating. At the moment of insight, there is a burst of gamma band brain waves. These are the fastest brain waves, representing a group of neurons firing in unison, forty times a second. The gamma frequency signifies brain regions communicating with one another."
E  o ponto:
"Our brains love an insight. Mostly it’s about getting the prefrontal cortex out of the way, and allowing deeper signals to be heard."

terça-feira, setembro 11, 2012

Reappraisal, locus de controlo e mindset (parte I)

Este postal termina de uma forma que aqui quero desenvolver:
"E não há nenhum empreendedor que compre esta fruta rejeitada para a vender como fruta do tempo dos nossos avós?"
Quando a Roménia e a Bulgária aderiram à UE escrevi aqui no blogue que, com tantos países dentro da UE, começava a ser interessante estar fora da UE.
Quando a "maioria" segue um caminho (o trilho dos lemingues ou dos carneiros), é interessante olhar para os caminhos que foram desprezados e ver se podem ser utilizados e aproveitados de forma criativa.
David Rock em "Your Brain at Work - Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long" aborda um tema interessante: "reappraisal", olhar o mundo de forma diferente.
"Think of the brain as a prediction machine. Massive neuronal resources are devoted to predicting what will happen each moment.
Your brain receives patterns from the outside world, stores them as memories, and makes predictions by combining what it has seen before and what is happening now…. Prediction is not just one of the things your brain does. It is the primary function of the neo-cortex, and the foundation of intelligence.”
The brain likes to know what is going on by recognizing patterns in the world. It likes to feel certain. Like an addiction to anything, when the craving for certainty is met, there is a sensation of reward.
When you can’t predict the outcome of a situation, an alert goes to the brain to pay more attention. An overall away response occurs.
As well as anxiety from a sense of uncertainty, (Moi ici: Recordar este exemplo)  [Emily] also experienced stress from recognizing that her level of control over her work had decreased. ... Autonomy is similar to certainty, and the two are linked. When you sense a lack of control, you experience a lack of “agency,” an inability to influence outcomes. A sense of not being able to determine the future, to predict what will happen moment to moment, emerges. This feeling, of course, generates more uncertainty. (Moi ici: Recordar Covey - Não é o que nos acontece que conta mas a forma como reagimos ao que mos acontece. Recordar Carol Dweck e a positive mindset)
A sense of autonomy is a big driver of reward or threat.
the degree of control that organisms can exert over something that creates stress determines whether the stressor alters the organism’s functioning. His findings indicate that only uncontrollable stressors cause deleterious effects. Inescapable or uncontrollable stress can be destructive, whereas the same stress that feels escapable is less destructive, significantly so. (Moi ici: Recordar o que se escreve aqui há muitos anos sobre o locus de controlo externo e interno)
Another way of thinking about autonomy is through the lens of being able to make choices. When you sense you have choices, something that used to feel stressful now feels more manageable. Finding that you have choices in a situation reduces the threats from both autonomy and uncertainty. (Moi ici: Excelente ponto!!!)
I decide to be responsible for my mental state instead of a victim of circumstances. In the instant that I make this decision, I start seeing more information around me, and I can perceive opportunities for feeling happier, such as remembering to call a friend. This experience is one of finding a choice and making that choice, and it shifts what and how I perceive in that moment. (Moi ici: Positive mindset, locus de controlo no interior) Much has been written about the importance of “taking responsibility” in life. Responsibility means an ability to respond. Generating a toward response, by making an active choice, increases your ability to respond to incoming data in adaptive ways. This concept is important for maximizing performance at work, as there are so many situations that can over-arouse the limbic system. This idea of consciously choosing to see a situation differently is called “reappraisal,
Cognitive reappraisal (reappraisal, for short) is the other cognitive change strategy for regulating emotions. A series of studies shows that reappraisal generally has a stronger emotional braking effect than labeling, thus it’s a tool for reducing the impact of bigger emotional hits.
“Our emotional responses ultimately flow out of our appraisals of the world, and if we can shift those appraisals, we shift our emotional responses.” While most reappraisal tends to be toward being more upbeat, it’s also possible to reappraise negatively, to alter a perspective for the worse.
It’s so easy to become fixed in a way of thinking, as you discovered in the scene on impasses and insights. One of the most common causes of tension between people is someone being fixed in his own worldview and not being able to see the world through another person’s eyes. When you take another person’s perspective, you are changing the context through which you view a situation."
E na sua empresa? Pratica-se o reappraisal? E onde está situado o locus de controlo? E qual é o mindset?