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domingo, fevereiro 14, 2016

Escrito nas estrelas

Estava escrito nas estrelas!
Mais um sintoma de Mongo.
Recordar as previsões do anónimo da província em:

Acerca do advento de plataformas cooperativas, plataformas 2.0 que ocuparão e criarão o mundo pós-Uber.
""in the wake of protests by Uber drivers over the company’s decision to cut fares, David is launching his own blockchain-based ride-sharing platform, Arcade City. To promote the new platform, he and nine other drivers gave 100 rides on New Year’s Eve on a donation-only basis.
CoinTelegraph: You were an Uber driver before. How does this system contrast with traditional ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft?
Christopher David: Imagine a decentralized Uber that connects drivers with customers peer-to-peer using the Ethereum blockchain. When we hit $2 billion in annual revenue, it won’t go to line the pockets of investors or sustain a corporate hierarchy. It will be reinvested in our drivers, and in improving the customer experience.
Driver engagement is key. Thanks to our Free Uber campaign, I got to connect and speak with Uber drivers all over the country. Dealing with government regulation is definitely an issue for drivers, [Moi ici: Daí a importância instrumental da Uber, o dinheiro dos investidores que seja usado para combater em tribunal os regulamentos que protegem os incumbentes] but an even bigger issue has been drivers being mistreated by the distant corporate HQ. I’ve been a driver myself, working sometimes 50 hours per week. I’ve been to the meetings. I've seen firsthand how drivers are treated and how feedback is ignored.
Uber and Lyft are run by nerds in San Francisco. To them, drivers are just numbers. The fares that determine drivers' livelihood are just levers to push and pull to maximize profit. [Moi ici: Recordar esta pérola "Managing a platform ecosystem raises a number of new governance issues, including “who has access to the platform, how to divide value, and how to resolve a conflict,” notes the CGE report.  “The goal is to arrange complementors and consumer rules to maximize ecosystem profits… "] The driver uproar and mass protests following last week’s rate decrease tells me this is the perfect time to launch a decentralized alternative.
Arcade City is beginning with a grand conversation with drivers. Our question: If you had to design a ride-sharing app that best met the needs of riders and drivers, what would it include? The amazing ideas contributed just this week will keep us busy for years.
our approach to the critical mass problem is a bit different. We are taking a hybrid approach, combining distributed dynamics with the type of service people expect today of a company like Uber. The objective is total decentralization on the blockchain, but we are starting with an emphasis on driver engagement and integrating driver feedback.
There are countless thousands of angry Uber and Lyft drivers looking for an alternative. We’ll start by building what they want, then move in the direction that we know will maximally benefit both drivers and customers over the long term: decentralization on the blockchain.
The key technical differences between Arcade City and the big ride-sharers stem from how our operation is structured. Not like the hub-and-spoke model of Uber and Lyft, with a headquarters in San Francisco centrally setting rates for a number of independent contractors that border closely on employees. We’re building a peer-to-peer network like a mesh, and taking a page from Rick Falkvinge’s book Swarmwise by pushing the relevant decision-making authority out to the edges of the network. For Arcade City, that means empowering drivers with tools to create their own recurring customer base and make their own decisions like any entrepreneur would."

domingo, setembro 06, 2015

Curiosidade do dia

Portugal, Brasil, Angola, Moçambique, ... e, de repente são vários milhões a falar, a aprender e a ensinar na mesma língua.
Sim, os programas são diferentes, o rigor sobre os instalados é diferente.
Contudo, podia ser uma ideia a trabalhar dentro desta comunidade falante "A Sharing Economy Where Teachers Win"

quarta-feira, setembro 02, 2015

Montepio e Mongo

Voltando ao Montepio.
Sabem qual é a armadilha da eficiência?
A eficiência concentra a atenção na oferta e não no que os clientes-alvo realmente precisam.
A diferença que aprendi há muitos anos com Bruce Chew:
  • Quando o negócio é preço pergunta-se "para esta oferta, quem me dá o melhor preço?";
  • Quando o negócio não é preço aproxima-de de uma variante de "por este preço, quem me dá o melhor desempenho?" E aí, entra a interacção "O que é para si melhor desempenho? O que valoriza? O que procura?"
A preocupação com a eficiência conduz-nos ao modelo "Grab & Go" e, no fim, pergunta-se: Porquê continuar a recorrer a um banco?
""Not all sections of the financial services offering but it will be personal loans, mortgages, international money transfers. These are things that will drop away steadily from the traditional banks.""
Estão a imaginar um Vieira da Silva à frente de uma empresa?
"Acham que a função de um Governo é estar a antecipar uma evolução negativa para a qual não tem ainda nenhum dado que o confirme? Se o estivesse a fazer, seria um profundo erro.""
Pois, gente sem skin in the game ":
""One of the best things about my work is I get to meet these entrepreneurs and the interesting thing I find is they ask questions about their industries that no traditional incumbent would ever dream of asking," she said.
A US medical equipment salesman launched a platform, Cohealo, for sharing medical equipment, after seeing some hospitals full of equipment while others had none.[Moi ici: Para as contas do PIB isto é mau, para a vida das pessoas é melhor]
"Hospitals are starting to track the productivity of their equipment and they're sharing it through a logistics platform.""[Moi ici: Por cá, horroriza-me o desperdício criado pela concorrência doentia entre hospitais públicos de concelhos vizinhos. "Se o outro tiver mais do que eu..." pois damn Joneses]
E entrando em Mongo:
""So imagine Bitcoin for Airbnb and Bitcoin for Uber, where there is no need for a company in the centre," she said.
"Forget the cryptocurrency. The most innovative thing with Bitcoin is the blockchain. We now have this highly transparent form of peer-to-peer exchange of value.""

Trechos retirados de "Accountants and lawyers have big problems"

quarta-feira, julho 15, 2015

Bom material para reflexão

Um artigo muito, muito bom "The Sharing Economy Isn’t About Sharing at All", que deixa pistas para reflexão:
"the sharing economy isn’t really a “sharing” economy at all; it’s an access economy.
Sharing is a form of social exchange that takes place among people known to each other, without any profit.
When “sharing” is market-mediated — when a company is an intermediary between consumers who don’t know each other — it is no longer sharing at all. Rather, consumers are paying to access someone else’s goods or services for a particular period of time. It is an economic exchange, and consumers are after utilitarian, rather than social, value.
[in an] access economy rather than a sharing economy – has important implications for how companies in this space compete. It implies that consumers are more interested in lower costs and convenience than they are in fostering social  relationships with the company or other consumers. Companies that understand this will have a competitive advantage.
1 ... consumers simply want to make savvy purchases, and access economy companies allow them to achieve this, by offering more convenience at a lower price. Companies that emphasize convenience and price over the ability to foster connections will have a competitive advantage.
2 Consumers think about access differently than they think about ownership. And most of our best practices in marketing are built upon an ownership model. For example, being a part of a brand community is important to consumers for many products and services that they own, as they represent who they are, and consumers appreciate being able to share identity building practices with  likeminded others. When consumers are able to access a wide variety of brands at any given moment, like driving a BMW one day and a Toyota Prius the next day, they don’t necessarily feel that one brand is more “them” than another, and they do not connect to the brands in the same closely-binding, identity building fashion. They would rather sample a variety of identities which they can discard when they want. Thus, trying to foster a community of consumers around an access economy brand is rarely successful"

sexta-feira, junho 26, 2015

E mudar de .... ? (preencher o espaço em função da sua realidade)

De certeza que em Portugal isto levantará velhos Velhos do Restelo para mais umas rodadas de providências cautelares e outras ilusões fáceis, enganadoras e transitórias, "Carmakers launch peer-to-peer vehicle sharing":
"Three of the world’s biggest carmakers have jumped into peer-to-peer vehicle sharing, as the automobile industry scrambles to stay relevant in the age of Uber and BlaBlaCar.
Within hours of each other, Ford, General Motors and BMW announced Airbnb-style schemes on Wednesday – with each manufacturer claiming to be the first to let car owners earn money by renting out their new vehicles to other drivers.
“I think car manufacturers are rapidly waking up to the fact that part of their current and future clientele are not interested in owning cars any more,” he added." [Moi ici: Corrente que está longe de chegar a Portugal, país onde o preço relativo de um automóvel é dos mais altos e, no entanto, onde mais cresce a compra dos ditos cujos]
Pense na sua empresa... pense no seu negócio...
Estes gigantes do mundo automóvel, são capazes de fazer experiências, de testar novos modelos de negócio, de alterar as suas propostas de valor.
E a sua empresa, e o seu negócio, enquanto o mundo à sua volta, muda o que faz? Vai para as TV e jornais pedir um apoio, um subsídio, uma protecção, uma barreira artificial?
"Dan Ammann, president of GM, last month outlined the dilemma for city-dwellers who rarely use their cars. “It’s the last thing you should do because you buy this asset, it depreciates fairly rapidly, you use it 3 per cent of the time, and you pay a vast amount of money to park it for the other 97 per cent of the time,” he said in an interview with the Financial Times.
“However, demand for personal transport in cars continues to increase. The more cars get used – ie shared – the faster they wear and need to be replaced. So pooling and sharing isn’t necessarily negative, unless one fails to get involved.”
The other benefit for manufacturers is they can introduce young consumers to their products."
E mudar de estratégia? E mudar de modelo de negócio? E mudar de proposta de valor? E mudar de canal? E mudar de clientes?

Outra fonte "MINI relaunches its brand and offers Airbnb-style sharing to car owners"

sábado, junho 06, 2015

Reflexão-previsão acerca do futuro das plataformas

A propósito de "The sharing economy has created 17 billion dollar companies (and 10 unicorns)" uma reflexão-previsão.
Uma espécie X chega a um novo continente cheio de recursos, desabitado ou habitado muito escassamente por espécies muito menos preparadas para a concorrência, essa nova espécie X ocupa rapidamente o espaço e expulsa os fracos concorrentes que encontra e tem oportunidade de crescer e desenvolver-se.
Hoje em dia, quando a tecnologia permite criar uma nova forma de ajudar os clientes a realizarem um trabalho em falta na sua vida, é muito fácil ter sucesso, a nova abordagem facilita de tal forma a vida aos clientes que estes acorrem em números sucessivos a essa nova possibilidade. A conjugação da oportunidade com o acesso rápido a capital permite criar uma vantagem de ser o primeiro, que alimenta um crescimento, muitas vezes, espectacular.
Este rápido crescimento permite ganhar músculo para enfrentar o principal adversário, os incumbentes de formas clássicas de ajudar os clientes a realizarem o tal trabalho na sua vida.
Tudo isto tem algo de universidades privadas em Portugal nos anos 80 do século passado. Nessa altura, a procura era tão grande que a uma nova universidade, para ganhar clientes, bastava aparecer e dizer estou aqui. Depois, a oferta pública cresceu, a oferta privada cresceu e a procura começou a baixar ... e muitas universidades privadas não se prepararam para esse novo cenário, onde teriam de ter uma estratégia de diferenciação face à oferta pública "low-price".
Estas plataformas criaram um continente novo, facilitaram tanto a vida aos seus clientes que estes acorreram em massa, o acesso a capital permitiu acompanhar o crescimento do mercado nesta fase inicial da oferta (anos 80 do século passado das universidades privadas) em que os clientes ainda procuram a novidade, ainda estão deliciados com a novidade. Com o desenrolar do tempo, uma vez vencido o papão dos incumbentes das alternativas clássicas conluiados com os poderes estabelecidos, começará a nascer junto da procura e da oferta a necessidade, o interesse na diferenciação e assistiremos a uma explosão de novas formas de prestação do serviço através de plataformas alternativas, mais pequenas, mais segmentadas, mais tribais.

quarta-feira, maio 20, 2015

"uma oportunidade tremenda de se diferenciar" (parte IV)

Já há semanas que citei este artigo "The future of luxury - Experience counts" de onde sublinhei esta tendência:
"Providers of luxury need to offer more than expensive baubles to take advantage of a growing market [Moi ici: Isto tem tudo a ver com o texto da parte III "Quando uma empresa se concentra no que transacciona, perde uma oportunidade tremenda de co-criar valor e captar mais algum para si, perde uma oportunidade tremenda de se diferenciar, não pela oferta mas pela transformação na mente do cliente, não por produto/serviço mas pela experiência, pelo resultado." ]
If sophisticated consumers are shifting their preferences from handbags to handlebars, makers of luxury goods need to pay attention. The rich set trends, and their notions of luxury trickle down. European consumers now “put more value on inward things”,
Even the Chinese are tilting a bit from having to being
What qualifies as an experience people are prepared to pay for is also changing, to something more elaborate, more private and sometimes even stripped almost bare of conventional comforts.
If ownership does become separate from enjoyment, makers of luxury goods will have something to worry about. That moment may not have arrived yet, but as consumers become more sceptical, more discriminating and more interested in experiences, it is coming closer."
Entretanto, encontrei esta reflexão "A revolução do outdoor - Parte I":
"Mais de 140 milhões de americanos gastam coletivamente 646 mil milhões por ano em atividades recreativas ao ar livre
O Reino Unido tem, também, testemunhado um crescimento substancial nesta área
A China regista um crescimento similar. O seu mercado de outdoor está avaliado em 3 mil milhões de dólares, face aos 161 milhões assinalados há uma década.
os consumidores privilegiam, cada vez mais, as experiências em detrimentos de produtos físicos...
«Não está relacionado com a posse do produto mas sim com a variedade de experiências. Os consumidores não querem comprar equipamentos para uma experiência»"
Como não pensar logo no exemplo da inGamba

terça-feira, abril 21, 2015

Mais um exemplo de tendências que vão enganar os macroeconomistas

Esta figura, que apareceu ontem na minha linha temporal do Twitter:
É um exemplo que ajuda, em parte, a explicar esta história da deflação. A evolução tecnológica permitiu incorporar num único aparelho, o smartphone, algo que anteriormente existia espalhado por variadíssimos produtos independentes. Recordar "Quanta da estagnação que a macroeconomia detecta..."
Entretanto, ao ler o primeiro capítulo do relatório "Business ecosystems come of age" da Deloitte University Press, encontro mais um exemplo de tendências que vão enganar os macroeconomistas:
Novas formas das pessoas realizarem o trabalho que precisam, de satisfazerem as necessidades que têm, consumindo menos, exigindo menos produção, exigindo menos consumo de recursos, impactando menos o planeta.

sexta-feira, abril 17, 2015

Uma perspectiva interessante

Em vez de um espaço, em vez de activos, usados apenas uma fracção do tempo disponível, uma ideia interessante:
"The conventional restaurant model is dying, and that’s a good thing. No longer is a single restaurateur or type of cuisine assigned to a single property. It’s all about feeling the foodie love and sharing space.
Spurred by the artisan food movement and more people moving into urban centers, shared dining spaces are the new normal. These restaurants are an extension of the sharing economy we’ve come to embrace through Airbnb, Uber, and Lyft.
Sharing space allows small businesses that ordinarily would not be able to afford a brick-and-mortar setup to take less risk, grow, and keep profits healthier.
Arranging various restaurants in a single property also helps tenants maintain customers interested.
Sharing rent and utilities in one location can help keep operating costs lower, especially in high-rent areas, but branding can become more challenging if consumers are confused by two different concepts in one location,”"
Poderia concretizar-se, por exemplo, no aluguer do bloco operatório de uma unidade de saúde estatal a um particular, durante a parte do dia em que não estão a ser utilizados.

Trechos retirados de "The End of the Restaurant As You Know It"

terça-feira, março 31, 2015

A evolução cooperativa e Mongo

Há vários anos que comecei a usar aqui no blogue os marcadores "aluguer" e "partilha" como mais um sintoma da economia de Mongo.
Ainda há dias, aqui, escrevi:
"não creio que a Uber e outras empresas do género venham para ficar, não será sobre elas que se construirá o futuro da partilha e aluguer em Mongo."
Em Janeiro último, aqui, escrevi:
"Por que é que a procura e a oferta vão continuar a precisar destas mega-plataformas? Por que é que oferta e procura hão-de condescender, no médio-prazo, em pagar um imposto revolucionário para o dono da plataforma, quando vai ser fácil para a oferta ter a sua própria plataforma?"
Em Dezembro último, aqui, escrevi:
"A Uber, desde a entrada dos investidores grandes, está a pavimentar o caminho para que a geração seguinte de empresas de partilha lhe tome o lugar com facilidade. Não se pode ser competitivo desenvolvendo péssimas relações com os trabalhadores e clientes." 
Projectos como a Uber são importantes porque representam a vanguarda revolucionária, têm o poder do dinheiro para enfrentar os poderosos grupos instalados, cumprirão o seu papel, para depois, abrir caminho para o desenvolvimento natural de estruturas muito mais pequenas e autónomas, independentes.
Entretanto, ontem via Twitter, chego a "Platform Cooperativism vs. the Sharing Economy" que traduz muito bem o que penso que será a direcção para a economia de Mongo:
"There isn’t just one, inevitable future of work. Let us apply the power of our technological imagination to practice forms of cooperation and collaboration. Worker–owned cooperatives could design their own apps-based platforms, fostering truly peer-to-peer ways of providing services and things, and speak truth to the new platform capitalists.
Entities like Uber, Ola, Quick Cabs, TaxiForSure, or Lyft are quite vulnerable because their technology can be duplicated. But of course, when you see how regulation is steered by costly PR campaigns in big cities, when you see how ever-increasing brand awareness tilts the network effect in favor of Uber and airbnb, when you notice the co-financing for new cars offered for Uber drivers, and when you understand that insurance for passengers is costing an arm and a leg, then you remind yourself of the old saying: money talks.
Instead of counting down to next month’s apocalypse, let’s make the idea of worker-owned cooperatives using ride ordering apps more plausible.
Teachout recently proposed that one of the pathologies of the current system is that it trains people to be followers. I might add that it trains people to think of themselves as workers instead of collective owners.
An app with the basic functionality of UberX can be duplicated and improved upon by independent developers who are working in tandem with cooperatives. From the very beginning, the development process would have to be steered by workers and developers. Ever more sophisticated crowd funding schemes, using bit coin, could support such efforts.
Uber can influence regulation on a city level and might even be able to sway national labor laws. And perhaps, but really just perhaps, these templates, created at the frontiers of regulation will then be taken on or over by worker cooperatives who could benefit from established guidelines."
Vejo muito mais futuro nesta evolução cooperativa porque está em sintonia com a filosofia de Mongo.

sexta-feira, março 20, 2015

Mongo e os marxistas

Em Portugal a esquerda marxista mais participativa nas redes sociais ainda está agarrada ao modelo do século XX, aos exércitos de operários, (normalmente traduzida num desprezo pelos empreendedores, startups e micro-empresas) e à versão moderna da maquinaria, a automatização.
Interessante este texto marxista sobre Mongo, "Peer-to-peer production and the coming of the commons":
"We are witnessing the emergence of a new ‘proto’ mode of production based on distributed, collaborative forms of organisation.
One way to describe the changes now taking place is as a shift away from a context in which the technological and economic advantage lies with economies of scale and mass production that depend on cheap global transportation and, thus, the continuous availability of fossil fuels. The move is to ‘economies of scope’, where bringing down the cost of common infrastructure for networked enterprises brings competitive advantages.[Moi ici: Claro que ainda se focam muito nos custos, ainda não chegaram à paixão e ás tribos]
This new emerging modality tends to out-cooperate and out-compete classic modes of capitalist production. This is because of its higher innovation potential (there is no privatisation of innovation); the ability for distributed parallel development on a global scale without the use of costly bureaucracies of control (as with Wikipedia, every module can be worked on separately, by any contributor with the necessary skills); and the much cheaper production costs due to price structures free of the rent of ‘intellectual property’ (IP). Where these new forms occur – in knowledge production, free software production and now emerging in physical production – they tend to displace proprietary and IP-based modes.
We regard this as the peer production equivalent of the invention of the assembly line by Henry Ford. It inserts the rapid production methodologies that have proven themselves in open source software production (such as ‘extreme programming’) into the world of machine design, and links it directly to microfactories and distributed enterprise."
Claro que hão-de descobrir que os grandes inimigos de Mongo são os incumbentes que tratam da oferta no mercado e os que vivem da impostagem que se extrai dos actuais laços de produção, emprego e consumo.

quarta-feira, março 18, 2015

Uma outra economia

"in the United States and across Europe, vertically integrated value chains controlled by large companies are already being challenged by new consumer-orchestrated value ecosystems, which allow consumers to design, build, market, distribute, and trade goods and services among themselves, eliminating the need for intermediaries. This bottom-up approach to value creation is enabled by the horizontal (or peer-to-peer) networks and do-it-yourself (DIY) platforms that form the foundation of the “frugal” economy.
As it stands, nearly 50% of Europeans believe that, within a decade, cars will be consumed as a “shared” good, instead of privately owned, and 73% predict the rapid growth of car-sharing services.[Moi ici: Qual o impacte na quantidade produzida, no emprego do sector, na inflação, e nas estatísticas económicas?]
This shift in consumer attitudes extends far beyond transport. [Moi ici: Uma tendência que registamos aqui há vários anos com os marcadores "aluguer" e "partilha"] The peer-to-peer home-sharing service Airbnb now rents more room-nights annually than the entire Hilton hotel chain.
The global market for shared products and services is expected to grow dramatically, from $15 billion today to $335 billion by 2025, without requiring any major investment. The European Commission predicts that peer-to-peer sharing, now an income booster in a stagnant labor market, will evolve into a disruptive economic force.
the Internet economy is lowering the costs of research and development, design, and production of new goods and services in many sectors. [Moi ici: Se uns são beneficiados, outros são prejudicados e vão procurar defender o passado] Thanks to low-cost DIY hardware kits like the $25 Arduino or the $35 Raspberry Pi, people are increasingly building their own consumer devices. Moreover, customers can now design and manufacture industrial-caliber products by using shared high-tech workshops – so-called “fab labs” – equipped with CNC routers, laser cutters, and 3D printers.
Such changes are propelling the so-called “maker movement”: a legion of tinkerers who collectively can create products faster, better, and more cheaply than big companies can.[Moi ici: Não é só uma questão do custo, é também uma questão de paixão] Together, the maker movement and peer-to-peer sharing platforms are empowering once-passive customers to become active “prosumers,” thereby spawning a frugal economy that can create value in a more efficient, costeffective, socially inclusive, and environmentally sustainable way.
A self-organizing frugal economy could generate billions of dollars in value and create millions of jobs in the medium term. But, of course, there will be losers: the large Western companies whose “more for more” business models, backed by huge R&D budgets and closed organizational structures, are not designed to serve the needs of cost-conscious and eco-aware consumers seeking more – and better – for less."
Trechos retirados de "The rise of the frugal economy"

terça-feira, dezembro 16, 2014

Uma salada com um potencial de transformação tremendo

Este artigo "Socialize Uber",
"A worker collective is the obvious transition. Uber and the rest of the “sharing economy” companies will try to close the door behind them, either by putting their workers in binding contracts or by lobbying government officials to build their own set of industry protections. But a transition to workers’ owning their firms is necessary, economically smart, and one way for workers to gain power in the digital age. Because you know what worker-run firms do? Share."
bem na linha do referido em "Curiosidade do dia", recorda como o impacte da democratização da produção e dos meios de pagamento:
"The unleashing of freedom and creativity in many areas of human endeavour could be unparalleled, as overhead costs, organisational inertia and regulatory barriers dissolve."
pode mudar o paradigma da economia como a vimos nos últimos 100 anos.

quarta-feira, novembro 19, 2014

Mongo a entranhar-se!

"They hint at a future where the key is organizing talent, not necessarily employing talent.
you may find the existing model of employing people in jobs is vulnerable to new ways of organizing work."
Mongo a entranhar-se!
Trecho retirado de "Tongal, eLance, and Topcoder Will Change How You

sexta-feira, outubro 10, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

Mais um exemplo das alterações em curso, proporcionadas pela facilidade de criar plataformas na internet, "The Booming Market for Your Hermès Hand-Me-Downs":
"The market for secondhand luxury apparel, accessories, watches, and jewelry is valued at about $19 billion, according to Claudia D’Arpizio, a partner at Bain. Leather goods and clothing, $4 billion of that market, are growing faster than the luxury industry overall.
We’ve moved from an era of owning goods for life to one where we enjoy stuff, use it, and let it go,"
Um ponto para reflexão, o que é que isto pode fazer à imagem de escassez das marcas de luxo?
Será que um dia vão proibir esta venda em segunda-mão?
Será que vão optar por um sistema de disponibilização, guardando sempre a posse, uma espécie de leasing com retoma no final?
Outro ponto para reflexão, até que ponto isto vai no sentido de tornar a compra de alguns bens como a compra de uma experiência?

terça-feira, setembro 16, 2014

Acerca do caminho para Mongo (parte VIII)

Parte I, parte II, parte IIIparte IVparte Vparte VI e parte VII.
Tenho escrito muito aqui no blogue sobre a fragmentação que caracteriza Mongo. Algo que nunca abordei de forma explícita, embora seja uma condição necessária para o triunfo da economia da partilha e dos fazedores  para nichos, as plataformas.
"Concentration: Emerging scale and scope operators will fuel and benefit fragmentation...Concurrent with the fragmentation occurring in the product innovation and commercialization space, concentration will begin to take place within parts of the economy that support niche operators....Players generate value by providing information, resources, and platforms to fragmented players, leveraging resources such as large-scale technology infrastructure or big data..As performance pressures intensify in tandem with barriers coming down, fragmentation will accelerate. Large-scale infrastructure providers and rich platforms will emerge to connect these fragmented players with resources within their ecosystems....The first scale-and-scope role is the infrastructure provider....The second scale-and-scope role is the aggregation platform. Aggregation platforms enable connections among fragmented players, helping to dismantle the kinds of barriers to entry, commercialization, and learning ...The final scale-and-scope role is the agent.Two types of agents exist: the consumer agent and the talent agent."

sexta-feira, junho 27, 2014

Partilhar o guarda-roupa

Uma ideia interessante para mais um desenvolvimento da economia da partilha e do aluguer, o guarda-roupa, "The Next Collaborative Consumption Movement: Closet Sharing":
"In the fashion world, collaborative consumption and peer-to-peer companies are starting to make their mark in this exciting economic shift. Dubbed the closet sharing economy, fashion marketplaces are changing the relationship women have with their closets. When women know they can easily sell new or gently used things from their closets, they’re more likely to splurge on the things they want at higher prices. This change in shopping behavior has created the phenomenon of the revolving closet, where women are able to use the money they make selling clothes they no longer want in order to buy new items."

sexta-feira, maio 16, 2014

Mongo e a economia da partilha

Muito, mesmo muito interessante "Why Uber And Airbnb Might Be In Big Trouble", ainda reforça mais o enfoque na multidão de Davids que vai ser Mongo.
"Peer-to-peer services have been able to disrupt industries like hospitality and transportation because companies in those industries, like hotel chains and limousine services, have high fixed costs they can’t escape. But in raising so much money at high valuations, Burnham said, Uber and its cohort of sharing-economy services have put themselves in a similar bind, promising that a huge amount of the value they create will go to their venture backers.
Every dollar they have to return to investors is a dollar that doesn’t go to users of the platform — users who, by the nature of the sharing economy, often feel they’re the ones who created the value in the first place and deserve to partake in it. ‘Those companies won’t be able to get out from under that structure,” Burnham said. “That is an opportunity for the next generation of sharing economy companies. The key is to raise less and raise it at a valuation that allows a return for your investors without having to have a thick platform that extracts a lot of rents for your investors.”"

sábado, abril 26, 2014

"the energy being devoted by governments ..."

Quase que posso dizer:
- Leram aqui primeiro! Sim, foi neste blogue que primeiro leram sobre as dificuldades que os governos iriam levantar, em conluio com os incumbentes, para barrar a expansão da economia da partilha e do aluguer, para barrar a progressão de Mongo. Recordar "A reacção a Mongo"
Agora na The Economist em "The sharing economy - Remove the roadblocks":
"IT IS not hard to find evidence of the success of the “sharing economy”, in which people rent beds, cars and other underused assets directly from each other, co-ordinated via the internet.
But perhaps the most flattering—and least welcome—indicator of the sharing economy’s rise is the energy being devoted by governments, courts and competitors to thwarting it.
The newcomers’ opponents, whether competitors, officials or worried citizens, complain that the likes of Airbnb and Lyft dodge the rules and taxes that apply to conventional businesses. Regulations exist to keep hotel rooms and kitchens clean and fire alarms in working order, to stop residential areas being pocked with unlicensed hotels, and to see that cabbies are insured, checked for criminality and tested on their knowledge of the streets. Cowboys such as Airbnb, Lyft and Uber, their critics claim, are a danger to an unsuspecting public.
The truth is that most of the rules that the sharing economy is breaking have little to do with protecting the public. The opposition to Lyft and Uber is coming not from customers but from taxi companies, which understand that GPS makes detailed knowledge of the streets redundant and fear cheaper competition."