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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta jarche. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, agosto 26, 2016

Acerca das organizações e do trabalho em Mongo

"We are moving into a post-job economy, something that business school professors seem to be ignoring. Work will become much more complex and multifaceted than a simplistic model of Homo Economicus can address. Those of us who do not have jobs are already working in self-organized teams. Look to the edge cases to see the future. Hierarchies will become temporary arrangements to get things done. The future will be hierarchies in perpetual Beta."
Trecho retirado de "hierarchies in perpetual beta"

terça-feira, agosto 19, 2014

Erros e inovação (parte II)

Na sequência de "Erros e inovação" este texto de Harold Jarche, "Error reduction interferes with gaining insights":
"Fifty-eight of the top Fortune 200 companies bought into Six Sigma, attesting to the appeal of eliminating errors. The results of this “experiment” were striking: 91 per cent of the Six Sigma companies failed to keep up with the S&P 500 because Six Sigma got in the way of innovation. It interfered with insights."
Depois, com base na Cynefin Framework, Jarche mostra o porquê do problema, complexo é diferente de complicado.