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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta customer dominant logical. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, abril 15, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte IV)

Parte I, parte II e parte III.
"Experience-based facet.
Contrary to the experiential and phenomenological nature, the facet of CV that we term ‘experience-based’ refers to the past experiences of customers. ... the starting point is the customer’s reality and life”. Value is therefore regarded as part of the dynamically-constructed and multi-framed reality of each customer. Although earlier contributions also recognized similar aspects, the focus on the customer’s history, and thus, the experience- based nature of CV was especially emphasized by the C- D logic. In this light, value is termed ‘value-in-life’, which better explains the holistic view of the customer’s life than value-in-context. With this focus on the internal context, it is emphasized that value formation is extended beyond the interactive processes and the visibility of companies and includes the customer’s mental processes, resulting in an increase in complexity as now the customer’s history is also considered.
A facet of the experience-based nature of value is its dynamic aspect, which expresses the constantly changing and adapting evaluations of what customer’s value."

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

sábado, abril 14, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

"Context-specific facet.
Following the notion of multiple relationships, the literature acknowledges the important role of the customer’s external and social context in the assessment of CV [Customer Value]. In doing so, the idea of the customer, just like the company, being embedded in a system of other actors is expressed. In this complex system, the customer acts as a resource integrator, simultaneously combining various resources for value creation. This implies that the customer uses his/her own resources (i.e., knowledge and skills) and the resources of other actors. Hence, CV is dependent on a network of competences and resources.
Value has a collective and intersubjective dimension and should be understood as value-in-social- context” and “[...] the way in which resources are assessed depends on the social context”. It can be concluded that research efforts begin to adapt a more differentiated point of view, which includes the social context as an important variable for the determination of value.
The C-D logic argues in a similar manner, stating that the dyadic approach that was historically used is not enough to display the complex construct of CV. Hence, this logic also highlights that the customer is socially-embedded, interacting with other groups, such as other customers. Compared to the S-D logic, the C-D logic more strongly emphasizes the customer’s point of view. An even higher focus is laid on the customer, and thus, on his/ her speci c context."

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

quinta-feira, abril 12, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte II)

Parte I.

Quem quiser abordar a temática do pricing a sério tem de obrigatoriamente começar pelos clientes e pelo que é valor para eles
"Phenomenological and experiential facet...
Both terms, ‘experiential’ and ‘phenomenological’, emphasize the co-creation role of the customer. From this understanding, ‘experience’ does not refer to the customer’s past experiences, it rather describes the perishability inherent to CV. This underscores that value cannot be inventoried and is not created solely by the company which is, however, not new to the literature.
Although both terms are still discussed, ‘phenomenological’ has recently been preferred, as ‘experiential’ implies several other meanings, such as a focus on the past. In contrast, phenomenological emphasizes the idiosyncratic determination of value without implying a focus on the past.
the phenomenological nature of CV as context-specific, interactive, and attached with meanings. The C-D logic accepts that interactions facilitate the creation of value, however, contrary to the S-D logic’s supplier-oriented approach, it emphasizes that it is the customer who ultimately determines the value created. In doing so, the C-D logic stresses that other processes not directly related to interactions also need to be considered.
Seeing the customer in a constant and interactive process with other actors, such as companies and other customers, bolds the increasing focus on relational aspects, which is therefore underpinned in the S-D and C-D logic. Hence, an increasing focus on relationships, rather than on transactions, is suggested. According to both logics, the customer is engaged in multiple relations- hips, also to actors other than the company. The old-fashioned view on relational aspects as being dyadic does not seem to be supportable anymore. Intuitively, the customer now appears as being embedded within a context of other value determining resources and actors.[Moi ici: Outra vez algo que ajuda a perceber o valor que pode ter uma utilização criteriosa da cláusula 4.2 da ISO 9001:2015]"

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

quarta-feira, abril 11, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte I)

"Within the past few decades, there has been a broad shift from searching for sources of competitive advantage within a company, to investigating external sources of competitive advantage.
Arguing so, the C-D logic even goes further in positioning the customer in the center by shifting the focus from the company’s processes to the customer’s reality and history.
Broadly discussed and commonly accepted is the shift from value-in-exchange to value-in-use.
Value-in-use expresses the idea that value is created by using a product or service, rather than by producing the product or service, which constitutes one key assumption of the S-D logic.
This idea is advanced by value-in-context, which lays an emphasis on the role of “[...] other market-facing, public, and private resources [...]”. In line with this, a notable article emphasizes the customers’ embeddedness into a social context by applying social construction theories [Moi ici: Malta da ISO 9001:2015 estão a ver aqui alguma relação com a cláusula 4.2?]
The C-D logic recognizes this by emphasizing the highly dynamic and multi-contextual reality and life of the customer, implying a significant emphasis on the customer’s experiences and history, especially in service settings. As a result, the notion of value-in-life is proposed. Whether value-in-context or value-in-life is more appropriate is not yet commonly agreed upon."
Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

sexta-feira, setembro 09, 2016

Mambo jambo de consultor ou faz algum sentido?

Ontem, a seguir ao almoço, a caminho de uma reunião numa empresa de calçado, passo por um antigo cliente. Uma fábrica de sucesso que terá crescido a sua facturação 7 ou 8 vezes desde que começámos a trabalhar juntos.
A quinta-feira deles é a sexta-feira de quase todas as PME portuguesas. Sem falsa modéstia foi uma das ideias que ajudei a introduzir na empresa. Carregar os camiões para exportação à quinta-feira é uma vantagem, por exemplo, a pressão sobre toda a cadeia de fornecimento começa mais cedo e não há "concorrência". As empresas com as calças na mão para fechar as expedições à sexta só vão atacar à ... sexta-feira. Também, a sexta-feira, já é tempo de planear a próxima semana. Mas adiante, o tema não é esse. Num dos cais de embarque estava um camião com uma lona fazendo publicidade da empresa. Além das cores, do logo, havia uma frase:
"Come and win with us"

Voltei a concentrar a atenção na estrada mas a frase não me saía da cabeça...
Quando cheguei à empresa, disseram-me que o empresário ainda ia demorar um quarto de hora. Sentei-me à mesa da sala de reuniões, abri a minha agenda, escrevi aquela frase, acrescentei um VS e uma nova frase:
"Let us win with you"
Agora que recordo isto, julgo que é o resultado da combinação da leitura de:
"So two years ago, they launched a new brand aptly called NoBull. "Our mentality is that our shoes are not going to make you fitter, jump higher, or run faster," Wilson explains. "The only thing that will make you fitter is you working hard every day.""
Trecho retirado de "Does The Sportswear Industry Ignore Serious Athletes? These Entrepreneurs Think So", artigo citado na parte I da série "Ilustração da narrativa de Mongo"

Com a leitura de "Customer-dominant logic: foundations and implications", citado em "Um ponto de vista diferente":
"In the CDL perspective, firms should be concerned with how they can become involved in customers’ lives instead of figuring out how to involve customers in the firms’ business: “There is a need to contrast the established provider-oriented view of involving the customer in service co-creation with a more radical customer-oriented view of involving the service provider in the customer’s life”."
Que acham disto? Mambo jambo de consultor ou faz algum sentido?
Em vez da mensagem, "nós somos vencedores, venham também vencer connosco", a alternativa "deixem-nos ajudar a sermos vencedores convosco"

quarta-feira, setembro 07, 2016

Um ponto de vista diferente

"“What can we offer to customers that they are willing to purchase and pay for?” (as opposed to “How can we sell more of our existing offerings?”). To answer this question, it was argued that firms must start by understanding customers and their logic. In other words, the way managers think may become an important competitive advantage.
In the CDL perspective, firms should be concerned with how they can become involved in customers’ lives instead of figuring out how to involve customers in the firms’ business: “There is a need to contrast the established provider-oriented view of involving the customer in service co-creation with a more radical customer-oriented view of involving the service provider in the customer’s life”. The difference between who is involved in whose processes is subtle but central:
Companies should try to discover the potential, unrealized value of a service by learning what processes customers are involved with in their own context, and what different types of input, both physical and mental, they would need to support those processes. This means setting out from understanding customers’ activities, and then supporting those activities, rather than starting from products/services and then identifying the activities where a company can fit in." 
Trecho retirado de "Customer-dominant logic: foundations and implications" de Kristina Heinonen e Tore Strandvik, publicado por Journal of Services Marketing, September 2015.