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sexta-feira, julho 14, 2023

Trabalhar a relação

Um artigo com ideias interessantes e que ajuda a trabalhar o tema do desenvolvimento da relação com os clientes. 

"Many companies have embraced the importance of creating closer, more valuable relationships with customers.

But most do little to actively manage their portfolios of weaker and stronger relationships, other than keeping them diversified. They're missing significant opportunities.


  • How central is developing customer relationship strength to our strategy and competitive advantage? More specifically, when and how much should we invest in converting weaker relationships to stronger relationships?
  • How do we leverage these investments once relationships are created?
  • How do we protect the relationships we have created to minimize customer churn?

we have identified three explicit goals for an effective CPM [customer portfolio management] growth strategy: relationship conversion, relationship leverage, and relationship defense.

Relationship Conversion 
Customer relationship conversion is the process of turning strangers into acquaintances, acquaintances into friends, and friends into partners. It accomplishes two important goals. First, customer loyalty and profit per customer improve, thanks to an increase in strong relationships. And second, the addition of weaker relationships to a portfolio provides both a source of future loyal customers and economies of scale."
Trechos retirados de "Manage Your Customer Portfolio for Maximum Lifetime Value"

sexta-feira, junho 18, 2021

"it’s a chance to make a difference"

Um bom texto, mais um de Seth Godin:

"Interactions with the people who are enrolled and giving you the benefit of the doubt are a form of avocado time. They shouldn’t be optimized for efficiency or even leverage. Instead, it’s a chance to make a difference."

Como não relacionar com Stephen Covey e não só em "Every visit customers have to make ..."

terça-feira, fevereiro 09, 2021

Every visit customers have to make ...

Sim, segunda metade dos anos 90, aprendi esta lição com este senhor. Influenciou postais como:

E fez-me criticar esta nota desde a primeira vez que a vi:

"Quem não aposta no "cheaper" e no "cost", aposta na interacção, aposta na co-criação, aposta noutro mindset... eu diria, "Every visit customers have to make are an opportunity for interaction and co-creation"

Nunca esquecer, Golias pode apostar e ganhar com a automação porque está no seu ADN; contudo, David não tem qualquer vantagem em seguir esse caminho, tem muito mais a perder do que os euros que poupa."

quarta-feira, novembro 15, 2017

Para reflexão

Pensamento profundo:
"Brands think of content as another product to create, but content isn’t a thing. Content is a relationship."
Trecho retirado de “Make relationships, not things

domingo, maio 24, 2015

Relações e sentimentos

Ao longo dos anos neste blogue, escrevo sobre as relações amorosas em detrimento do excel:

"Quem está longe da micro-economia não tem relações amorosas com produtos e serviços concretos, não consegue ver para além dos custos da equação da produtividade, não consegue olhar para o numerador da equação, não consegue pensar em valor."
Esta semana encontrei:

"I know that love seems like a weird word to use in the context of business eelationships, but it fits."
Que nos faz pensar na importância da interacção das empresas com clientes:
"The more I ask and listen with an attitude of curiosity and anticipation, the more I learn. Within two or three meetings, my clients become more than a title, an office, and a paycheck. They become endearingly human. I fall in love and feel compelled to help."

"Managing without soul has become an epidemic in society: managers who specialize in killing cultures, at the expense of human engagement.
This technocratic detachment is bad enough—numbers, numbers. numbers. The worst of it is also mean-spirited, by bullying people and playing them off against each other."

quarta-feira, outubro 22, 2014

Arte vs eficiência

Nas minhas apresentações, há muito que uso esta sequência:

Contra a força bruta da eficiência pura e dura e do número, apostar na arte, apostar na diferenciação, apostar no caminho menos percorrido.
Por isso, estes trechos de Hillary Austen são um bálsamo:
"The belief is such analytically inclined students have been trained in the scientific inquiry process, which will give them a solid footing in tackling the problems their companies encounter. But Hilary Austen, an adjunct professor at the Rotman School of Management in Toronto and semi-retired consultant, pushes back at such notions.
It’s not that a scientific background is unhelpful. But she believes there is a balancing approach, artistic inquiry, which in many cases will prove just as valuable.
In mid-career, she went back to get her PhD and her dissertation involved watching what managers did, a study that did not fit with the scientific, hard numbers approach [Moi ici: As habituais folhas de cálculo. Boas para um mundo de risco, perigosas num mundo de incerteza. O velho conflito McGyver vs Sandy] favoured in much of academe.
The validity of the scientific approach depends on bias-free methods and conclusions. It records measurable observations. Generalizations come from sound statistical sampling. Artistic inquiry, on the other hand, captures important experiences and their meaning. Generalizations are informed by qualitatively vivid single samples. Their validity depends on their power to shape our conception of the world. Knowing is emotionally neutral for scientific inquiry but rooted in emotion for artistic inquiry. [Moi ici: Aquilo a que aqui costumamos de chamar de relações amorosas com clientes, fornecedores e produtos]
You may prefer hard facts. But she quotes her mentor: “We can’t say something only counts as knowledge if it’s algorithmic and neutral.”
Onde é que a interacção actua?

Trechos retirados de "Make a smart decision: Balance data with experience"

terça-feira, janeiro 03, 2012

Excelente, by-pass ao status-quo

Excelente: "Bit by Britt, farm family makes its mark the milky way":
"His wife, Rachael, said the family was regularly approached by locals wanting to buy milk direct from the farm, which is illegal. "But a lot of doctors are also recommending people that have certain illnesses drink unhomogenised milk, because it's more natural," she said. Mrs Peterken said their own brand, Inglenook, had already been stocked by local businesses.
Bottles of Inglenook had also been sold at Essendon farmers' market, and should be available in IGA stores in the new year.
Mrs Peterken's father, Basil, said the dairy industry was in a "pretty ordinary" state, with the big supermarket chains squeezing farmers' margins."
Ontem, a meio da tarde, uma mensagem de SMS da patroa chegou.
Saí de casa, andei 300 metros, entrei numa casa e comprei numa casa de lavradores:
  • uma abóbora de 11 kg (que descasquei e foi para a arca aos bocadinhos para substituir a batata na sopa);
  • 3 pencas que foram cortadas à minha frente;
  • 1 dúzia de ovos sem carimbos de veterinários.
Isto é qualidade de vida!