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segunda-feira, novembro 21, 2011

Locus de controlo no interior é a base do sucesso empresarial (parte II)

Costumo chamar a atenção para a importância do locus de controlo. E, sobretudo, para a sua localização:
Qual a sua localização? Está no interior ou no exterior?
Ainda há dias relacionei locus de controlo com o optimismo e com a capacidade de olhar mais para as oportunidades do que para as ameaças.
Por outro lado, considero importante a visão de longo-prazo, como relatei acerca da bosta e das corridas de trás para a frente.
Assim, como não apreciar esta reflexão:
"In times of high uncertainty, we all have a natural tendency to magnify risk and discount reward.
What's the consequence of this risk/reward bias? We dramatically shorten our time horizons.
As we shorten our time horizons, we become prisoners of a zero sum mindset. If we only focus on the short-term, we must accept things as they are. There's a given set of economic value – it's a fixed amount. If we only have a fixed amount of economic value, then we start to focus on who will get what share of the pie. If you get a larger share, then by definition I'll get a smaller share. You win, I lose. If I win, well then you must lose.
Creating new economic value takes time and requires a longer-term horizon. A positive sum view of the world, one where we can increase overall value by working together, only becomes viable if there's time. And time becomes much too uncertain when risk and return perceptions magnify risk and discount returns.
Here’s the really bad part. This zero sum mindset folds back on our perception of risk and reward and the shortening of our time horizons. If there are only a fixed set of rewards, then we must move quickly to grab our share. We have no time to lose. Our time horizons become even shorter.
But, there’s more. Zero sum mindsets naturally lead us to focus on threat, rather than opportunity. If there’s only a fixed set of resources and rewards, there’s limited upside. Our attention shifts to protecting what we already have, however little it might be. In a zero sum world, we are constantly vulnerable to the efforts of others to grab our share of the pie.
Threat based narratives take root – enemies are gathering force and intent on destroying or appropriating what we have. We need to be vigilant and band together to protect our interests.
Threat based narratives again have a pernicious effect – they reinforce our tendency to focus on the short-term. They lead us to further magnify risk and discount potential rewards. The threat is imminent – we must focus on protecting ourselves now from the enemies gathering force. We can't afford to be diverted by longer-term issues – the battle is here and now. If we don’t win today, we will have no tomorrow.
Threat based narratives lead to a further consequence.They motivate us to seek out those who agree with us. We can't tolerate divergent views when we are under attack."
O resto do texto pode ser encontrado aqui "Cognitive Biases in Times of Uncertainty"
Há tempos aqui no blogue reflecti sobre quem devia estar à frente das associações sectoriais ... quem está habituado a olhar para a frente, para o novo. Quem está habituado a descobrir, a perseguir oportunidades em vez de defender o status-quo... quem vive narrativas de oportunidades e não quem vive narrativas de ameaças.