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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta cera nos ouvidos. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, maio 31, 2013

Cera nos ouvidos (parte II)

Parte I.
Afinal ainda volto mais uma vez a "Fooled by randomness" de Nassim Taleb.
Quando era miúdo, com 6/7 anos uma das minhas leituras preferidas era um calhamaço da minha mãe chamado "Legenda Dourada" que contava as histórias da mitologia grega.
Lembro-me de em 1973 ter ido morar para o Porto e descobrir fascinado que tinha um vizinho, um miúdo 3/4 anos mais velho do que eu , chamado Heitor!!! Nunca tinha conhecido ninguém chamado Heitor, como o Heitor irmão de Páris.
Lembro-me de andar no ciclo preparatório e o meu pai, o meu querido pai ..., num Domingo de tarde, ter pegado em mim e ido comigo ao cinema Foco na Avenida da Boavista no Porto para ver o filme "Ulisses" com Kirk Douglas.
"Odysseus, the Homerian hero, had the reputation of using guile to overcome stronger opponents. I find the most spectacular use of such guile was against no other opponent than himself.
In book 12 of the Odyssey, the hero encounter the sirens, on an island not far from the rocks of Caribde and Scylla. Their song are known to charm the sailors into madness, causing them to irresistibly cast themselves into the sea off the sirens’ coast, and perish. The indescribable beauty of the sirens’ songs is contrasted with the moldering corpses of sailors that stray the area around them. Odysseus, forewarned by Circe, contrives the following ruse. He fills the ears of all his men with wax, to the point of total deafness, and has himself tied to the mast. The sailors are under strict instructions not to release him. As they approach the sirens’ island, the sea is calm and over the water comes the sound of a music so ravishing that Odysseus struggles to get loose, expending an inordinate amount of energy to unrestrain himself. His men tie him even further, until they are safely past the poisoned sounds.
The first lesson I took from the story is not to even attempt to be Odysseus.
Recall that the accomplishment from which I derive the most pride is my weaning myself from television and the news media. I am currently so weaned that it actually costs me more energy to watch television than to perform any other activity, like, say, writing this book. But this did not come without tricks. Without tricks I would not escape the toxicity of the information age. In my office I currently have the television set turned on all day with the financial news channel CNBC staging commentator after commentator and CEO after CEO murdering rigor all day long. What is the trick? I have the volume turned completely off."
Como não fazer a ponte com "Não veja televisão. Não veja as notícias! São um veneno!"