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sexta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2017

"don't put their money where their mouth is"

Lembram-se da Spirit Airlines?

A companhia área norte americana mais odiada pelos passageiros e, ao mesmo tempo, a companhia aérea que mais cresce.

Então, não se vão escandalizar com:
"Most label-conscious consumers aren't really diehard activists. This is part of what social scientists call the  "ethical consumption gap": People who claim sustainability is important to their purchase decisions often don't put their money where their mouth is. Controversies like the 2014 revelation that The Body Shop's products are sold in duty free shops in mainland China, where, by law, they can be randomly subjected to animal testing, don't hurt nearly as much as one might think.
The "consumption gap" theory suggests that Roddick's stringency and Schwartz's return to her heritage is holding the brand back where other "natural" cosmetics producers are doing fine. L'Occitane, a "natural" personal care product company, operates unashamedly in China. Animal rights groups accuse it of testing its products on animals, and l'Occitane vehemently denies it, claiming that it's working from the inside to change Chinese regulations. It's been growing faster than The Body Shop."
Como não recordar o doutor:
Como não reforçar o aviso de Alan Klement e do JTBD ou não recordar Dan Ariely sobre a ineficácia das mensagens sobre a auto-protecção contra o HIV quando se está excitado.
"The results show that sexual arousal had a strong impact on all three areas of judgment and decision making, demonstrating the importance of situational forces on preferences, as well as subjects' inability to predict these influences on their own behavior. "
Recordar "Many companies fall into the trap of asking consumers" ou "Para reflexão"

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