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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta bespoke. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sábado, junho 15, 2019

Mongo por todo o lado

Mongo por todo o lado.

Quando era adolescente descobri um shampô mainstream que resolveu os meus problemas. Ainda hoje o uso e o tema não é relevante para mim. No entanto, como somos todos diferentes, quer biologicamente, quer na importância que atribuímos aos temas, há-de haver muita gente que não está satisfeita com o serviço prestado pelos produtos mainstream.

Em Mongo não só a possibilidade de dar resposta a quem não é servido pelo mainstream aumenta, como o seu custo baixa. Em "The Future of Marketing Is Bespoke Everything" encontrei mais um exemplo desta tendência:
"Although there are billions of people in the world, it’s always tempting to believe your existence is unprecedented in some way.
A few months ago, Prose, a start-up that offers personalized, custom-blended hair-care products based on customers’ responses to a lengthy survey, wore me down with an alluring marketing tactic: beautiful Instagram ads indulging the idea that what’s going on on my head might be too unique for whatever Sephora has to offer. If I told the company my long list of petty hair complaints, perhaps I’d never again have to stand in front of a wall of indistinguishable products, trying to guess which one might be my holy grail.
The personalized shampoo, conditioner, and hair mask came in simple containers that evinced a distinctly Millennial sense of understated luxury. Each had my name on the label. I wasn’t just going to wash my hair, I told myself. I was going to outsmart it.
Now, aided by advances in manufacturing and the direct-to-consumer nature of online shopping, personalization has become the hot new thing at much more accessible prices. That’s especially true in the wellness industry, where Prose is one of a slew of new companies offering everything from custom-blended face creams to individualized vitamin cocktails. Together, these brands have attracted millions of shoppers (and millions of dollars in venture-capital funding) by tapping into something powerful: the idea that we’re all fancy and special enough to have something made just for us.
 the current crop of companies offering personalization might end up too successful for their own good: “The problem is that when it works, competitors do it.” It’s not hard to imagine a near future in which upstarts and big brands alike will let you have it your way with a custom cocktail of nutrients or a special face serum all your own, as long as you’re willing to tell them everything about yourself."