Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta aquecimento global?. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta aquecimento global?. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quarta-feira, julho 01, 2015

Curiosidade do dia

Será que estamos num período de aquecimento global? Sinceramente não sei.
Lembro-me de ser miúdo e de ler no jornal Primeiro de Janeiro um artigo que anunciava uma nova Idade Glaciar para breve.
Será que a haver aquecimento global ele é provocado pelo homem? Desconfio que não.
Lembro-me de ser miúdo e o meu livro de História de Portugal ter um mapa do tempo da conquista da independência. A linha da costa na região centro, onde habito, estava muito mais para o interior do que hoje.
Leio este texto "The danger of turning opinions into facts" e interrogo-me. Gosto muito das reflexões de gestão desta senhora mas esta... será que a mensagem que ela transmite não se pode aplicar a ela própria?
"My observation is that the more confidence you have about your assumptions concerning the external environment, the more likely it is you will be blindsided.  And I suspect climate change is creating a long line of business leaders at risk. Case in point: Milwaukee BizTimes recently asked its readers, “Do you believe humans contribute to the causes of climate change?” Only 55% in the poll said yes.
The correct answer is “Yes."
A resposta certa é sim?
A senhora está cheia de certezas...

domingo, junho 14, 2009

Food for thought

"One of our biggest worries is that our politicians are so fixated on the idea that CO2 is causing global warming that most of them haven't noticed that the problem may be that the world is not warming but cooling, with all the implications that has for whether we get enough to eat.
It is appropriate that another contributory factor to the world's food shortage should be the millions of acres of farmland now being switched from food crops to biofuels, to stop the world warming, Last year even the experts of the European Commission admitted that, to meet the EU's biofuel targets, we will eventually need almost all the food-growing land in Europe. But that didn't persuade them to change their policy. They would rather we starved than did that. And the EU, we must always remember, is now our government – the one most of us didn't vote for last week."
Crops under stress as temperatures fall