sexta-feira, agosto 28, 2020

Gamers' paradise

"The economy, then, can best be viewed as a rapidly evolving and potentially unstable natural social system, in which intelligent players transact for their personal gain according to rules and processes that they design to facilitate those transactions—through laws, regulations, and the application of technologies. This creates the possibility that adaptive behavior turns into gaming, as individuals transact in the system in ways that suit their own immediate ends but subvert the system as a whole. And as we’ll see in the pages that follow, the smart people always figure out how to game the system and any attempts we make to change the rules in order to prevent the small number of smart players from walking off with all the rewards are doomed to end in failure.
In addition to the size of the prize, gamers are attracted by the duration of the payoffs: that is, the number of years the gaming effort will be effective before the system adapts again to eliminate it. The longer this period, the more likely it is that gamers will invest in gaming.
When it comes to probability of success, upward and downward spirals take shape quickly. If a system shows itself susceptible to gaming, more gaming investments will be made, because the heightened expectation of success makes those investments more attractive. If early gaming efforts fail, the assumed probability of success falls, curtailing gaming investments."
Ler isto ontem para hoje de manhã me chamarem a tenção para isto "Pagamentos indevidos de prestações sociais superam 1,5 mil milhões".

Outro exemplo? Aqui vai: "Portugal trouxe mais de mil milhões da Europa para a investigação". Holofotes focados nas entradas. Quantos números, quantas perguntas, quanta curiosidade se foca nas saídas? O que é que esse dinheiro gera de retorno sustentável 3 anos após o fim de cada projecto?

Trechos retirados de “When More Is Not Better” de Roger Martin.

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