quinta-feira, março 26, 2020

"The ability to learn from experience in the present — from moments, not models"

Ontem li esta citação num postal que escrevi em 2008:
'If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.' 
O mundo está a mudar rapidamente, e não vai voltar ao que era. Enquanto os dinossauros teimam em agarrar-se ao passado, "Professores "estão a ficar exaustos" por causa das aulas à distância", os pequenos maíferos procuram adaptar-se.

Também li numa mensagem que me enviaram:
"A maior crise da atualidade não é o vírus, é a crise de liderança."
Vemos governantes aos papéis, governantes que ou não contam a verdade ou mentem:
"The ability to learn from experience in the present — from moments, not models — is just what is needed when the past has become a hindrance and the future is unclear.
Notice the experience. The work of transformative learning begins with the simplest but most radical of steps. Pay attention to your experience in the present — the hum within, the buzz around. Notice where your attention flows. What is easy to see and do? What are you missing or leaving out? Try to set aside the past and the future; pause the what-if train of thought. Use your brainpower to notice what is in as much detail as you can.
Voice it. Share your experience and inquire about the experience of others. Start from what you see around you, but don’t neglect what you sense within.
Interpret it. Ask yourself why you and others are having those experiences. Continue to resist judgment about what should or could have happened or what you need to do next. Focus on the meaning of your experience.
Own it. Once you put aside interpretations that focus on external factors, you can begin to learn a lot about yourself and the people around you. Here you can bring past and future, your relationships and culture, into the conversation at last.
Experiment. There is freedom that comes with transformative learning. If you can notice, voice, interpret, and own your experience, you can also begin to imagine how to change it. Once you have one or more plausible hypotheses out in the open, it is time to test them to confirm them, to dissuade yourself of their truth, or to refine them. All of that can be done through little experiments aimed at eliciting new experiences and drawing further conclusions.
I often meet people who say they want to learn from experience and really mean it, but they find that it is hard to muddle through without clear parameters. They want to be told what to focus on, assess their progress (and be assessed), and have a plan for putting what they’ll learn to immediate use. That response is understandable, and it’s compatible with incremental learning, which fosters alignment at work. Incremental learning makes us fit the mold. But transformative learning makes us misfits. It invites responsible subversion. That takes courage. It takes courage to own our complicity in the status quo, and it takes courage not to remain captive to it. Just as shame impedes learning and hampers leadership, having the courage to learn gives us the courage to lead."
Trechos retirados de "Learning for a Living - Learning at work is work, and we must make space for it."

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