terça-feira, outubro 08, 2019

Quase que dói fisicamente

Quase que dói fisicamente ler este texto, ao pensar que em muitas empresas não se trabalha com indicadores, não se faz "batota" para aprender, não se pensa em explicitar "o que não fazer".
"enterprise strategy is defined by the key performance indicators (KPIs) leaders choose to optimize. These KPIs can be customer centric or cost driven, process specific or investor oriented. These are the measures organizations use to create value, accountability, and competitive advantage. Bluntly: Leadership teams that can’t clearly identify and justify their strategic KPI portfolios have no strategy.
Whatever the specific strategy, virtually all organizations create corresponding measures to characterize and communicate desirable strategic outcomes. Those metrics — be they KPIs, objectives and key results (OKRs), or a Balanced Scorecard — are how organizations hold humans and algorithms accountable.
The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.” Once those guardrails are established, identifying and minimizing unwelcome consequences becomes as important as promoting the outcomes you want. The essential takeaway here is that prioritizing KPIs — ranking them according to what matters most and what the organization must learn the best — is essential to enterprise strategy. In an always-on big data world, your system of measurement is your strategy.
Determining the optimal “metrics mix” for key enterprise stakeholders becomes an executive imperative.
This optimization imperative, our research suggests, demands a rigorous rethinking of the metrics chosen to define desirable (and undesirable) strategic outcomes.
To be clear, optimization in this context does not mean maximization. On the contrary, it means computationally learning to advance toward desired strategic outcomes through carefully calculated and calibrated KPI trade-offs. Understanding trade-offs among and between competing — and complementary — KPIs is essential. Simply optimizing individual KPIs by priority or rank ignores their inherent interdependence. For any KPI portfolio, identifying and calculating how best to weight and balance individual KPIs becomes the strategic optimization challenge."
Trechos retirados de "Strategy For and With AI"

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