sábado, junho 29, 2019

Novos velhos, uma recordação

Há várias perspectivas pelas quais se pode analisar este artigo "This Founder Almost Shut Down Her Design Business After Year 1. Now It Has 400 Employees and a 9-Figure Revenue". Uma delas permite meter-me com os novos que são velhos e os velhos que são velhos.

Recordo Tão novos e já tão velhos ... (Outubro de 2011) e comparo com estes trechos do artigo:
"My investors didn't initially believe in the crowdsourcing aspect of the business, so I hedged my bets by also selling stationery from a collection of well-known stationery brands. I hired an intern and spent my evenings working on my passion: the crowdsourcing experiment. When we started posting the winners of our first crowdsourced-design challenge, sales started to slowly trickle in. And among the few orders we had, it wasn't the established brands that were selling, but rather the crowdsourced designs.
It became clear soon that this was a valuable, talented community. I realized that we had tapped into something a lot bigger. They could produce art and design work for many, many industries and businesses.
I really love the artists and the designers and I really wanted to bring their work to the world. Proving the point of American meritocracy to the establishment was a really interesting hypothesis that I wanted to see play out. Many of these artists and designers are transitioning from other careers like, for example, an Alaskan oil rig worker and a master plumber in New York. I would say probably 20 percent of the designers probably are fully making a living from Minted."
Outra das perspectivas de análise parte deste trecho:
"My investors didn't initially believe in the crowdsourcing aspect of the business, so I hedged my bets by also selling stationery from a collection of well-known stationery brands. I hired an intern and spent my evenings working on my passion: the crowdsourcing experiment. When we started posting the winners of our first crowdsourced-design challenge, sales started to slowly trickle in. And among the few orders we had, it wasn't the established brands that were selling, but rather the crowdsourced designs." 
Por que é que alguém há-de fazer a compra de uma marca conhecida numa loja online desconhecida? No entanto, as probabilidades melhoram quando uma loja desconhecida oferece algo diferente.

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