sexta-feira, maio 04, 2018

Contexto e valor (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
"Context at the micro or individual level frames exchange as it occurs among individual actors. The important process of exchange at this level is direct service-for-service exchange. That is, each actor draws on its resources and competences to directly serve another actor. The context of this service-for-service exchange is a dyad, which consists of two actors and the service-for-service exchange between them. More important, this is a reciprocal dyad because both actors serve each other, which is an important aspect of value co-creation because both actors are active participants in the exchange process.
Context at the meso level frames exchange as it occurs among dyads.
Context at the macro level frames exchange as it occurs among triads. The important process of exchange at this level is complex service, or the synergies of multiple simultaneous direct and indirect service-for-service exchanges that enable actors to serve in a particular context, ... Each triad draws on its resources and competences, and applies them for a beneficiary in a particular context. The context of service-for-service exchanges at the macro context is a complex network. More important, the notion of a complex network is a fundamental aspect of value co-creation because of how actors, dyads, and triads create synergy among multiple simultaneous direct and indirect service-for-service exchanges."
Os trechos que se seguem são muito bons:
"Layer of meta-context: Framing exchange among complex networks as service ecosystems
Context at the meta-layer frames exchange as it occurs among complex networks. At the meta-level, the notions of time and replication are introduced. Specifically, practices, routines, activities, or processes may be replicated at any of the three levels of context. Based on this, the important process of exchange at this level is institutionalization, or the process by which various networks of actors become legitimized (or delegitimized) with respect to larger societal systems. Included within this notion is replication, especially of institutions, which paradoxically creates dynamically changing contexts at the same time that it also introduces stability to the system.
complex networks are sustained by the reciprocal service provision of multiple actors, dyads, triads, and complex networks that are accessing multiple resources. As shown in Figure 2, this is a complex multi-dimensional evolution that occurs simultaneously in three dimensions: across levels of context, over time, and through replication. When complex networks successfully institutionalize resources, they become joined together as a service ecosystem, or ‘a spontaneously sensing and responding spatial and temporal structure of largely loosely coupled value proposing social and economic actors’ interactions through institutions and technology, to (1) co-produce service offerings; (2) exchange service offerings; and (3) co-create value’. In other words, the meta layer covers all the levels of service-for-service exchanges such that they together constitute service ecosystems. The notion of a service ecosystem is a fundamental aspect of value co-creation because it acknowledges how large-scale social structures and institutions evolve relative to the individual service efforts of actors, dyads, triads, and complex networks."
Como não recuar no tempo e regressar a um projecto de 2004 e a um postal de 2007. Este blogue é fã dos ecossistemas há muito tempo.

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