domingo, abril 08, 2018

Fomentar uma rede

Descobri este fim de semana um artigo de 2004, "Key network management" de  Jukka Ojasalo na Industrial Marketing Management 33 (2004) 195–205. Interessante porque também foi em 2004 que comecei a trabalhar este conceito sem qualquer suporte teórico, simples fuçar em busca de uma alternativa. A linguagem está um bocado datada, mas o essencial está lá:
"the actors of a key network provide relevant capabilities to contribute towards achieving the goals of the key network [Moi ici: Hoje diremos que todos são egoístas e procuram o melhor para si, mas sabem que podem ganhar mais colaborando com outros para maximizar o valor gerado pelo todo] and the necessary capabilities and activities (not all) of these actors can be controlled by the focal firm.  [Moi ici: Outra vez a linguagem datada. Faz-me recordar uma leitura do "Principe" de Maquiavel comentada por Napoleão] The actors of a key network are likely to belong to the company’s external value chain. In other words, they are the company’s customers, suppliers, or organizations that have the role of both a customer and supplier. However, in addition to customers and suppliers, there can be many other actors that can help achieve the goals of a key network, such as financiers and investors, opinion leaders, government bodies, labor unions, trade commissions, universities, media, etc.
Once an opportunity has been discovered, the company has to find a way to take advantage of it. For this purpose, the company may either use its own resources or establish [Moi ici: Ou fomentar, ou facilitar] a key network. Indeed, the strategy is not necessarily the one that creates value but mobilizes different actors to create value for each other through a network managed by the company. [Moi ici: Muito melhor esta linguagem, claro que influenciado por Normann] This is characterized by the general transition from value chains to weblike value constellations. In value constellations, the key strategic task is the reconfiguration of roles and relationships among a constellation of actors, in order to mobilize the creation of value in new forms and by new players.
the strategy for managing an actor depends on the extent to which the actor is capable of contributing to the goals of the key network and the extent to which the key network is capable of contributing to the goals of the actor [Moi ici: O esquema que se segue pode ser útil para quem quiser abordar a cláusula 4.2 da ISO 9001:2015 de uma forma interessante para o negócio em vez de para cumprir calendário]

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