segunda-feira, abril 09, 2018

"customers’ active role in value creation"

"A business logic is a strategic mindset, or a mental model, of a company and its business activities, and thus, it guides conscious and unconscious decisions made in companies. Contemporary academic discussions on business logics that focus on the identification and creation of customer value and the actual business logics that companies apply in practice seem to differ significantly. Traditional thinking about value creation in business sees every company as occupying a position in the value chain, adding value to inputs and then passing the output to the next actor in the chain. In a value chain, value creation takes place inside a company through its own activities, and companies act autonomously with little or no interference from customers. Consequently, the value-added is equalised with the cost incurred by the supplier company. This traditional business logic based on goods-dominant logic (GDL) suggests that value is embedded in the units of output (value-in-exchange), and the outputs present the fundamental units of exchange. Interaction takes place mostly at the end of the value chain, and the value chain stops when the end-customer has bought a product or service. GDL highlights the supplier company’s process as primary, and the role of a customer is to fulfil scripts defined by the supplier.
During the past decade, the academic discussion has strongly shifted away from GDL and the traditional thinking about the sequential value creation process to new business logics that emphasise customers’ active role in value creation. The service-dominant logic (SDL), service logic and customer-dominant logic (CDL) have dramatically changed the understanding of business thinking and value creation. However, most businesses continue to operate in terms of GDL, and the reason for this may not always be ignorance of the new thinking, but lack of managerial approaches and tools."
Na passada semana achei deliciosa a conversa numa empresa. Um seu potencial cliente compra máquinas na Europa Central. A empresa olhou para a forma como o cliente usa a máquina e conquistou-o, não pelo o que a máquina faz, mas por olhar para as preocupações e desafios colaterais que o cliente tem ao usar a máquina.

Trecho retirado de "Service Logic Business Model Canvas" de Jukka Ojasalo e Katri Ojasalo, publicado por Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship.

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