domingo, março 18, 2018

Desvalorizar o sacrifício

Desvalorizar o sacrifício de atrasar a gratificação é, talvez, o ataque mais forte à civilização que nos trouxe até aqui:
"When engaging in sacrifice, our forefathers began to act out what would be considered a proposition, if it were stated in words: that something better might be attained in the future by giving up something of value in the present.
Adam’s waking to the fundamental constraints of his Being— his vulnerability, his eventual death— is equivalent to his discovery of the future. The future: that’s where you go to die (hopefully, not too soon) [Moi ici: Sempre acreditei nisto, não deixamos de ser imortais com Adão e Eva, descobrimos que éramos mortais] . Your demise might be staved off through work; through the sacrifice of the now to gain benefit later.
There is little difference between sacrifice and work. They are also both uniquely human.
Prosaically, such sacrifice— work— is delay of gratification, but that’s a very mundane phrase to describe something of such profound significance. The discovery that gratification could be delayed was simultaneously the discovery of time and, with it, causality (at least the causal force of voluntary human action). Long ago, in the dim mists of time, we began to realize that reality was structured as if it could be bargained with. We learned that behaving properly now, in the present— regulating our impulses, considering the plight of others— could bring rewards in the future, in a time and place that did not yet exist. We began to inhibit, control and organize our immediate impulses, so that we could stop interfering with other people and our future selves. Doing so was indistinguishable from organizing society: the discovery of the causal relationship between our efforts today and the quality of tomorrow motivated the social contract— the organization that enables today’s work to be stored, reliably (mostly in the form of promises from others). Understanding is often acted out before it can be articulated
The act of making a ritual sacrifice to God was an early and sophisticated enactment of the idea of the usefulness of delay. There is a long conceptual journey between merely feasting hungrily and learning to set aside some extra meat, smoked by the fire, for the end of the day, or for someone who isn’t present. It takes a long time to learn to keep anything later for yourself, or to share it with someone else (and those are very much the same thing as, in the former case, you are sharing with your future self). It is much easier and far more likely to selfishly and immediately wolf down everything in sight."
Peterson chama a atenção para o facto de no Génesis, depois da expulsão do paraíso a primeira estória que aparece é uma que fala do sacrifício.

Trechos retirados de "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" de Jordan Peterson.

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