domingo, janeiro 28, 2018

O efeito da soma nula (parte III)

Parte I e parte II. 
"Proposition 3: Managerial perception of pricing as a fixed-pie problem is negatively related to the extent to which firms practice value-based pricing."
"The fixed-pie bias has been defined as “the judgment that one's own interests are diametrically opposed to [those of] one's opponent”. Commonly found in the negotiation literature, this bias prevents integrative negotiations to increase the metaphorical “pie” for both parties. ... For example, ... “[t]he dominant assumption [of managers regarding pricing] is that what is gained by the firm is lost by the customer and vice versa, and that pricing is, in the end, a zero-sum game
A focus on cost-based pricing is common in business markets. As cost-based pricing is myopic (beginning with the product and ending with the customer), marketing must demonstrate value to defend prices. As a consequence, production costs are fixed, and potential customer value is also fixed (or at least constrained). Certainly, pricing appears to be a zero-sum game in such a situation; as price is the only flexible element, one firm's gain is the other's loss. In contrast, value-based pricing begins with the customer and their perception of value; costs and prices are flexible and contingent on customer needs. In other words, the only costs imposed on customers are those necessary to provide the benefits that customers actually want.
As a customer-focused practice, value-based pricing can potentially turn business relationships into win-win situations through a better understanding of customers' perceived value, so increasing profits for both customers and suppliers. [Moi ici: Porque não percebia isto, quando em 1992 li Marn & Rosiello chamei-lhes burros. Só anos depois percebi que o burro era eu] However, the more common managerial view is to perceive pricing as a win-lose situation. On this view, superior customer value creation and capturing part of that value in the form of reasonable profit are contradictory objectives, thus inhibiting value- based pricing in business markets."

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