domingo, dezembro 31, 2017

But Our Executives Want A Number!

Sempre desconfiei de números que não nos dão pistas sobre o que fazer para melhorar o desempenho. Cada vez sei menos sobre o que fará sentido fazer quando queremos medir a satisfação dos clientes e ganhar algo com isso.

Por isso, li com interesse, o artigo recomendado:

O artigo é muito bom mesmo! E deve ser lido por quem ainda usa ou está a pensar em usar o NPS como indicador.

Sublinho este trecho:
"NPS believers tell us no implementation ever asks only for the number. Every smart implementation follows up with a qualitative question, asking why? Some sophisticated systems will vary the question based on the score, asking promoters “What did we do well?”and detractors “What could we improve?”.
They’re right. The real value is the Why answer. The customer tells you what just happened, and you could improve it (or make sure you don’t break the things that work well).
To these NPS proponents, I tell them that it’s great they are getting this valuable data. Why should they bother with the score question at all? Just ask the qualitative question. Their response is usually some mumbling and huff-puffery about segmentation or indicators or some other mumbo-jumbo that makes no sense."
E este outro:
"But Our Executives Want A Number!...
There are tons of numbers. An infinite number of them, in fact.
Yet, there’s no one number that represents a company’s customer experience. Not even NPS. Yet, that won’t stop us from trying.
We could use a business number, like the number of subscriptions or the amount of churn. We could use sales, net revenues, or profits.
These numbers don’t speak directly to the design of the products or services. They don’t tell us whether the customers are satisfied, or better yet, delighted." 
Como não recuar a 2006 e ao auto-incensamento em "Medir o Grau de Satisfação dos Clientes para quê?"

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