quinta-feira, setembro 14, 2017

A explosão de diversidade em curso

Um dia e a quantidade de artigos que se encontram e que têm tudo a ver com a tendência para Mongo, para o Estranhistão, para a explosão de diversidade de tribos, para o triunfo das pequenas séries e da autenticidade sobre a eficiência.

Via "Strategy for a Networked World" de Ramirez & Mannervik cheguei a "Value Co-production: Intelectual Origins and Implications for Practice and Research" de Rafael Ramirez, publicado por Strategic Management Journal, 20: 49–65 (1999) de onde sublinho:
"A value co-production framework does not consider this outline to be entirely inapplicable, but it takes it to be applicable only in specific value creating conditions, inscribed in a wider topology of possible forms of value creation. A co-produced value creation framework is thus of a ‘higher logical type’ than the industrial one, and entails at least the following organizing characteristics:
  1. Scope economics are as important as scale economics, allowing smaller units to compete against big ones — e.g., in steel making.
  1. Short product life cycles and production runs becoming economically viable, enabling ‘micro-marketing’ and ‘tailor-made mass co- production’ to emerge.
  1. Enhanced asset liquidity and reconfigurability are making fixed or sunk costs increasingly risky: activity-based costing, customer- centered analytic accounting, and other battles to eliminate ‘average’ and ‘fixed’ costing per- spectives are signs of this.
  1. Co-production is inviting ‘hollow,’ holo- graphic, ‘virtual,’ ‘keiretsu’-like organizing. In many industries, these designs compete well with integrated industrial firms."

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