domingo, junho 11, 2017

"The dissatisfaction is fuel"

Não se pode ser um fanático do trabalho, por que tem de haver tempo para tudo. Afinal, por alguma razão na antiguidade, tenebrosa segundo muitos, criaram o dia de descanso semanal e tinham muitos feriados e festas religiosas.

No entanto, o problema da festa constante e da auto-satisfação reduz o stock de um importante combustível:
"For the creator who seeks to make something new, something better, something important, everywhere you look is something unsatisfying.
The dissatisfaction is fuel. Knowing you can improve it, realizing that you can and will make things better—the side effect is that today isn't what it could be.
You can't ignore the dissatisfaction, can't pretend the situation doesn't exist, not if you want to improve things.
Living in dissatisfaction today is the price we pay for the obligation to improve things tomorrow."

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