quinta-feira, maio 18, 2017

Para reflexão

"If the trend continues, Africa could become the world’s next great manufacturing center, taking that role over from China itself.
What It Could Deliver
Such an industrial revolution could lead to 100 million jobs, a new pool of globally competitive manufacturing companies, and the elimination of extreme poverty in Africa."
Não creio que seja relevante para os países africanos substituírem a China como exportadores de bens low-cost para a Europa e Estados Unidos, mas será muito relevante para criar um mercado de consumidores em África e reduzir a pobreza.
"Over the past few years, I’ve talked to nearly 50 Chinese manufacturing entrepreneurs across half a dozen African countries. In the following pages I describe how their investments are transforming Africa’s economy and society by providing millions of Africans with formal employment for the first time, fostering a generation of African entrepreneurs, and inspiring African institutions to support vibrant manufacturing clusters. These entrepreneurs are not saints, of course. Bribery, poor working conditions, and problematic environmental practices are pervasive. But Chinese manufacturers are arriving in larger and larger numbers in Africa, and manufacturing—unlike natural resources or services—leads to the possibility of industrialization. An industrial revolution in Africa: This is no longer a far-fetched notion.

Trechos retirados de "The World’s Next Great Manufacturing Center"

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