quinta-feira, maio 18, 2017

Estratégia e modelos mentais

Há tempos em conversa com um empresário vivi uma sensação estranha. Quando lhe perguntei qual a orientação estratégica da empresa fui surpreendido por um discurso que me pareceu genuíno e que fazia sentido. Recordo tópicos como:

  • segmentação;
  • diferenciação;
  • fazer coisas difíceis;
  • nichos;
  • pequenas séries;
  • gama média-alta;
  • timing.
No entanto, este sentimento positivo foi sendo atenuado ao longo do dia porque volta e meia vinham ao de cima as preocupações que o moldaram numa outra iteração, num outro universo económico, a preocupação com o aumento dos custos.

Foi dele que me lembrei esta manhã ao ler "To Change Your Strategy, First Change How You Think":
"It seems that everyone these days is looking for a disruptive business model. But a business model is only one part of the equation. Equally important is the mental model behind the business model, as well as a measurement model for both. It’s the combination of mental, business, and measurement models that allows real transformation to occur.
It’s easy to blame a failed business on doing the wrong things, but rarely do leaders realize that the failure lies in their own thinking.
This difference in mental models generates very different measurement models.
The digital revolution is forcing every company to move from business models focused on products and services to those that leverage networks and platforms. This shift requires dispelling myopia, embracing new organizational models, and unlearning old habits. It’s a fundamental change in how you think and what you measure. But once you align your mental, business, and measurement models, you will be well on your way to a successful digital transformation."

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