terça-feira, abril 04, 2017

"people have changed more than the business organisations"

Costumo escrever aqui que nos estamos a entranhar em Mongo. Estamos a abandonar o modelo económico do século XX baseado no eficientismo e na massa e, a entrar no modelo do século XXI baseado em nichos, em tribos, na explosão de heterogeneidade. Por isso, o sublinhar deste trecho:
"“The chasm is where we live today. We are living at a moment in economic history where people have changed more than the business organisations they must depend upon for consumption and for employment."
"A hundred years ago there was an emerging society of mass consumers. [Moi ici: Prefiro a versão de Seth Godin. A massa foi criada pela indústria, não era o que as pessoas queriam: "The factory came first. It led to the mass market. Not the other way around."] People who had basically no stuff, a little more than discretionary income and they wanted a lot more stuff. And breaking through the premium puzzle a hundred years ago ment inventing new ways to get people stuff at a prize they could afford. Thus was born mass production. Mass production was an economic logic that had never been discovered. And the one who finally put together the pieces of the premium puzzle was Henry Ford. Now a lot of the pieces were out there. But there was a day, in 1913 [Moi ici: "O século XX começo há 100 anos"] in the life of the 3rd incarnation of the Ford Motor Company when the engineers and the tinkerers and Ford himself looked up at each other at the end of the day that they had broken through to a completely virgin economic territory. And the economic logic in that territory was high throughput low unit cost.”" 
A consequência dessa lógica levada ao extremo levou a excelentes resultados financeiros com uma contrapartida:
"“So the deal for high throughput low unit cost was [externalizing the] customer; you are now an exogenous [outside] variable to the business process, you’re on the outside of the business model. The only thing we owe you is efficiency. Because efficiency is what is going to make it possible for us to standardize and give you a low cost [product]. Now that model was extremely successful; concentrated assets, commmand and control, managerial hierarchy, standardization, interchangeability, consumer as an external variable. Very successful, created massive wealth, unprecedented wealth.”" 
Só que os clientes não querem ser plankton:
"“This is what I call the new society of individuals. The hallmark is a sense of psychological uniqueness … my destiny is not born in my blood. I am the origin of my meanings, I am the origin of my destiny. I think of this with thee headlines: sanctuary, voice and commitment. Sanctuary: I want to have control over my life, I want to be the origin of my choices. Voice: I want to have influence unmediated, and I want it to matter. Connection: I want to be connected to other people, but not with the conformity demand of the old feudal system, still characteristic of our large organizations.”"
O que entra em choque progressivo com o modelo do século XX:
"where as the low cost product and services of the 20th century, met the needs of the old mass consumer, they no longer meet the needs of the new individuated consumer. We need new kinds of entities operating on a new enterprise logic," 
Trechos retirados de "The Changing Content of Capitalism"

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