sábado, abril 22, 2017

As 5 questões

"Great strategies answer five critical questions (“the strategic five”) in ways that are unique to your company: (1) What business or businesses should your company be in? (2) How should you add value to your businesses? (3) Who should be the target customers for your businesses? (4) What should be your value propositions to those target customers? (5) What capabilities should differentiate your ability to add value to your businesses and deliver their value propositions?
You won’t find the answers to these questions in most strategy concepts."
O mesmo se passa com a ISO 9001. Ela não só não fornece estas respostas como nem chega a colocar estas questões. A grande vantagem do balanced scorecard é ajudar a lidar com pelo menos quatro daquelas perguntas de forma muito pão pão queijo queijo.
"Instead of asking “Should we adopt TQM?” leaders should ask “How can TQM improve our answers to the strategic five?” A company such as Danaher, which actively seeks to add operational value to each business in its portfolio, would have an answer very different from those of Berkshire Hathaway or IKEA, because the three companies have different strategies for adding value to their businesses. Furthermore, because these companies can answer each of the strategic five questions with precision, they can be disciplined about whether they use TQM and, if so, how. In other words, their strategies are not just unique and specific, but also complete. This enables them to get the most out of strategy concepts without becoming hostage to them."[Moi ici: Como não recordar a diferença entre a caneta e o escrevedor]
Por isso, há uns anos mudei o nome deste blogue. Gosto de trabalhar com o balanced scorecard. Se pudesse só trabalhava sobre o balanced scorecard. No entanto, não passa de uma ferramenta, mais importante é perceber ao serviço de que projecto está.

Trechos retirados de "Why Popular Strategies Always Fade"

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