sábado, dezembro 03, 2016

É por isto que gosto de Mongo

É por isto que gosto de Mongo!
Por exemplo:
"“Most independent businesses are run by people – not by boards, not by stockholders, not by algorithms. And so you get a different kind of care and quality in their product because their work is a reflection of themselves. Instead of focusing on the next market they’re expanding into or the next round of funding they’re raising, they’re focusing on the details and being the best they can be.”
“Independent business bring originality and variety in a world that’s becoming increasingly homogenized.”
“Independent businesses are where innovation happens – it’s where things move forward.”
“Independent businesses create and offer choice.”
“Independent businesses feel like home.”
“Independent businesses are where most interesting concepts and new ideas are generated.”
“They’re the ones that are actually of, and not just in, a community.”
“They’re authentic, they’re original, and they care.”
“It’s where genuine, not-watered-down creativity lives.”
“It’s important to support people who put their heart, soul, and last dollar into something they believe in.”
“From an independent business you will receive the fruit of their passion. They share with you a little piece of their dream.”"

Trechos retirados de "43 Reasons You Should Support Small And Independent Businesses"

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