sábado, novembro 12, 2016

"You’re No Luke Skywalker"

A propósito de "You’re No Luke Skywalker: For Career Success Today, It Pays to Play Yoda" e recordando "Mambo jambo de consultor ou faz algum sentido?":
"We like to think we’re Luke Skywalker in the story. We’re heroic, and we’re going to tell the story about all the heroic results we’ve produced – but the real way we should be telling the story is that we’re Yoda. We should be the guy helping the customers – they’re the Luke Skywalkers, the stars of the story.
When you flip those roles, it means you get rid of all the slides that show all your awesome office locations and the old white guys on the board of directors and the great logos you’ve had over the years. You tell a better story about how we get there together."

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