sábado, novembro 12, 2016

Um desafio para muitas empresas

E volto a "When Kale Compete With Coffee":
"Building on the going-from-an-old-solution-to-new-solution concept, the purchase timeline model encourages you to look for specific moments that lead to a behavior change in the form of a purchase. Each stage of the timeline represents a moment that gets the customer closer to a purchase. The study of each stage reveals helpful data about the interactions between customers and the system of progress."
"First thought. This is when the customer realizes that she needs to make a change sometime in the future. A JTBD forms.
Passive looking. A seed of change has been planted in the customer’s mind. She starts to think about and notice alternative solutions for the JTBD.
Event 1. This is the moment when the customer decides there is a need to make a change."
Agora, considerar este exemplo retirado de "When Does a Job to be Done Start (and end)?":
"Alan Klement: A recent churn interview we did brought up some interesting questions about when a JTBD starts, when does someone stop having a JTBD, and when is a Job getting done?
When he first launched his business, he was just using Google Sheets, Google Docs and email to manage his team. He wasn’t completely happy with it, but it was good enough.[Moi ici: Este é um desafio para muitas empresas. Os potenciais clientes vão penando com alternativas sofríveis porque não conhecem alternativas superiores. Por isso, o "primeiro pensamento", que inicia aquela figura lá em cima, muitas vezes não tem gatilho que o desencadeie]
That all changed when a friend [Moi ici: O rastilho é ateado e ele corre rapidamente do "primeiro pensamento" até ao "compromisso de compra"] of his introduced him to Basecamp. Seeing Basecamp in action really opened his eyes. Up until this point, he had assumed that people in a business like his just used Google Docs and email. But when his friend showed him this new way of doing things, he was so excited that he signed up for an account on the train ride home."
O que é que a sua empresa está a fazer para chegar até estes potenciais clientes que vão vivendo com alternativas dolorosas porque não conhecem mais nada?
A estória começa com um "job getting done", a situação de partida. Depois, nasce um "job to be done" que inicia a pesquisa de uma nova alternativa. Depois da compra, depois da instalação e uso, depois da percepção da melhoria da situação, ou não, chegamos ao fim da figura com o "job is done".

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