quinta-feira, outubro 13, 2016


"Christensen introduced his theory of disruption, which explains how established, successful companies leave themselves vulnerable to competition from upstarts by abandoning the lower end of the market. Transistor radios, for example, were sold cheaply to teenagers and eventually overtook the expensive, high-quality vacuum-tube radios that once dominated the market. A more recent example might be AirBnb’s assault on the hotel industry."
Este exemplo da AirBnb deixa-me dúvidas...
Por certo, alguns clientes da AirBnb eram clientes overserved pela indústria hoteleira tradicional. No entanto, sem Airnb talvez a maioria dos seus clientes nunca pudesse fazer a experiência turística de todo. Ou seja, tal como os ginásios low-cost, talvez a entrada destes players acabe por fazer crescer o mercado para todos, mesmo para os incumbentes.

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