quinta-feira, maio 05, 2016

Ainda acerca das experiências

"As marketers continue the transition to experiential marketing, they are witnessing first-hand how a completely different approach can drive incredible engagement and ROI. In broad strokes, the transition represents six fundamental changes in how companies market:

  • New Direction. Companies are switching from marketing used to push customers toward their products and instead are using engagements that pull them.
  • Better Touchpoints. Companies have replaced marketing campaigns designed to simply reach as many people as possible (quantity) with initiatives that seek to create longer conversations and deeper recall (quality) with the “right” people.
  • Authentic Engagements. Marketers are no longer buying mere impressions and instead are investing in creating expressions.
  • Deeper Interactions. Brands are transitioning from campaigns used to grab attention to programs created to give it.
  • Real Conversations. Companies are no longer just talking to their customers—they are now focused on listening to them
  • Lifelong Relationships. Marketers are no longer trying to communicate their products’ benefits to customers, but instead are using marketing to build relationships."
Trechos retirados de "Experiential marketing : secrets, strategies, and success stories from the world’s greatest brands" de Kerry Smith e Dan Hanover.

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