sexta-feira, fevereiro 19, 2016

Estratégia e empreendedorismo

Para os que julgam que os empreendedores não podem ter uma estratégia:
"Leaders of start-ups often see strategy, the pursuit of a clearly defined path that is systematically identified in advance, as the enemy of entrepreneurship, which requires ventures to be opportunistic and quickly shift course as they learn what customers want.
Entrepreneurs badly need strategies that articulate what their ventures will and will not do. Such boundaries are crucial for making the most of scarce resources, deciding which ideas to pursue, and evaluating experiments. But a rigid, fixed strategy is dangerous.
Strategy and entrepreneurship are often viewed as polar opposites.
Strategy without entrepreneurship is central planning. Entrepreneurship without strategy leads to chaos.
What many entrepreneurs fail to grasp is that rather than suppressing entrepreneurial behavior, effective strategy encourages it - by identifying the bounds within which innovation and experimentation should take place.
In a resource-constrained venture, choices are mutually exclusive.
The single best piece of advice for entrepreneurs is this: Know what not to do.
Every choice is an irrevocable rejection of something else.
In a world governed by the principles discussed here, a strategy that articulates the firm’s overall direction is indispensable.
Strategy matters even more to entrepreneurs than to established businesses."
Trechos retirados de "Lean Strategy"

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