quarta-feira, fevereiro 17, 2016

Acerca da actividade comercial

Bom material, algum de aplicação imediata à sua PME, em "Help Your Salespeople Spend Time on the Right Things".
Não são poucas as vezes em que isto acontece:
"Do salespeople know what’s important? [Moi ici: Quem são os clientes-alvo? Quais os produtos com melhores margens? Como é que a actividade comercial ajuda a executar a estratégia da empresa] If salespeople aren’t clear about which markets and products are priorities, they’ll create their own rules about how to spend time.
Do salespeople have the information they need? Salespeople are more likely to spend time effectively when they have access to good information and tools. [Moi ici: Que bases de dados sobre os clientes e sobre as melhores práticas de venda?]
Do salespeople have the competencies required? When salespeople neglect priorities due to insufficient skills and knowledge, the remedy is coaching and training.[Moi ici: Diferentes propostas de valor implicam diferentes competências para vender. O ajuste está actualizado?]
Are salespeople motivated to succeed? Salespeople are motivated when they perceive value from their efforts: career success, recognition, personal satisfaction, money, or all of the above.[Moi ici: Claro que a motivação tem de estar relacionada com os pontos anteriores]
Do salespeople have enough bandwidth? When salespeople spend time inappropriately because they have too many diverse responsibilities, [Moi ici: Veio-me logo à cabeça um exemplo... o comercial que tinha de partilhar a tarefa de comercial com a de ajudante de armazém] a new sales force structure can ensure focus on company priorities.
Do salespeople have the right innate characteristics? Training can develop salespeople’s competencies, but success can also require certain innate qualities."

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