sexta-feira, janeiro 29, 2016

Lembram-se de Bruce Jenner?

Recordo, por exemplo:
Agora, comparar com:
"Consumer goods companies with an Operational Excellence business model mainly focus on creating distinctiveness in key areas such as operations, warehouse and distribution, and channel management. Respondents rated operations capabilities such as sales and operations planning (S&OP), manufacturing, and quality assurance high, and also scored customer account management and pricing of equal importance. Partner management was also deemed to be critical. To enable these distinctive capabilities, strategic planning and analytics and reporting were also rated high.
For companies with a Product/Brand Leadership business model, product development and consumer engagement were important. Respondents found market and customer insights, research and development, product development, and product testing capabilities important to create competitive advantage, as well as brand management, customer account management, and sales performance management. For a number of companies, regulatory compliance—how to work with the FDA to manage claims—was also a distinctive capability.
Consumer goods companies with a Customer Solutions business model rated channels and consumer engagement as important areas for their business model. The No. 1 capability was customer account management (this includes sales leaders in a direct selling model). However, market and customer insights, brand management, and marketing management were also rated as distinctive capabilities. Quality assurance, pricing, and financial planning and analysis were also scored high. Given the importance of people in the Customer Solutions business model, it was no surprise that the talent development and management capability was also rated high."
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