domingo, dezembro 27, 2015

Exemplo de "exploration" em busca de subida na escala do valor

No livro "Confessions of the Pricing Man How Price Affects Everything" de Hermann Simon encontrei esta figura:
"How would the profits of selected companies from the Global Fortune 500 change, if they raised their prices by 2 %? Figure 5.2 shows the changes in profits for 25 companies, based on data for their 2012 financial years."
Pela posição que a Hitachi ocupa percebe-se que compete muito pelo preço. Por isso, faz todo o sentido esta evolução estratégica:
"Mass production is out, customization is in. For the century-old conglomerate and engineering behemoth Hitachi Ltd, “customization” and “collaboration” are the new trends in business, particularly in the area of social innovation—the business of solving the world’s most pressing problems.
“Commodity, mass production, mass consumption, these are no longer for the era that we live in. Now it is mass customization,” Hiroaki Nakanishi, Hitachi’s chair and CEO, said in an opening speech during the recent two-day Social Innovation Forum 2015 here.
“We want a product that will truly suit yourself. That is the direction we would like to pursue,” Nakanishi said."

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